Washington, D.C.

                          Three year period ending 2004

                      FORM U-12(I)-B (THREE-YEAR STATEMENT)

          Statement Pursuant to Section 12(i) of Public Utility Holding
              Company Act of 1935 by a Person Regularly Employed or
            Retained by a Registered Holding Company or a Subsidiary
         Thereof and Whose Employment Contemplates Only Routine Expenses
                           as Specified in Rule 71(b)

         1.       Name and business address of person filing statement.

                  William H. Park, Jr.
                  817 W. Peachtree Street
                  10th Floor
                  Atlanta, GA  30308

         2.  Names  and  business  addresses  of any  persons  through  whom the
undersigned proposes to act in matters included within the exemption provided by
paragraph (b) of Rule U-71.

                  Not applicable.

         3. Registered  holding companies and subsidiary  companies by which the
undersigned is regularly employed or retained.

                  AGL Resources Inc. and its subsidiaries.

         4. Position or  relationship  in which the  undersigned  is employed or
retained  by each of the  companies  named in item 3, and brief  description  of
nature of services to be rendered in each such position or relationship.

                  AGL Services Company
                  Director-Governmental Relations Strategy

                  Responsible for development and  implementation  of strategies
                  to  support  the  Company's   positions  on  legislative   and
                  regulatory initiatives.  Serves as lobbyist and liaison to the
                  Georgia  General   Assembly.   Responsible  for  creating  and
                  maintaining  systems  to  track  elections,  legislation,  and
                  legislative  contact  information.  Coordinates the renewal of
                  franchise agreements between AGLC and municipals and maintains
                  relationships  with  local  governmental  entities.   Supports
                  corporate  initiatives  related to  economic  development  and
                  related  legislative  issues.  Responsible  for AGL Resources'
                  political action committee.


         (a)  Compensation  received during the current year and estimated to be
received over the next two calendar years by the undersigned or others, directly
or  indirectly,  for  services  rendered  by the  undersigned,  from each of the
companies designated in item 3.

                  See  Exhibit A,  submitted  under a request  for  confidential

         (b)  Basis for compensation if other than salary.

                  Certain    employees    participate    in    AGL    Resources'
                  performance-based  incentive  compensation  plan.  The plan is
                  described in more detail in AGL  Resources'  Annual  Report on
                  Form 10-K.

         6. Expenses  incurred by the undersigned or any person named in item 2,
above,  during the calendar year in connection with the activities  described in
item 4, above, and the source or sources of reimbursement for same.

         (a)  Total amount of routine expenses charged to client:

                  To be answered only in supplementary statement.

         (b)  Itemized list of all other expenses:

                  Not applicable.

Date:  December 30, 2002              By: /s/ William H. Park, Jr.
                                      William H. Park
                                      Director-Governmental Relations Strategy

                                  Exhibit Index

A       Compensation to be Received (submitted under a request for confidential