Filed by
Registrant þ
Filed by a party other than the Registrant o
Check the appropriate box:
o Preliminary Proxy Statement
o Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
þ Definitive Proxy Statement
o Definitive Additional Materials
o Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12
(Name of Registrant as
Specified In Its Charter)
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
þ |
No fee required. |
o |
Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11. |
(1) |
Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
(2) |
Aggregate number of securities to which transactions applies:
(3) |
Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11
(set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
(4) |
Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction.
(5) |
Total fee paid:
o |
Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
o |
Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid previously.
Identify the previous filing by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule and
the date of its filing. |
(1) |
Amount Previously Paid:
(2) |
Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
(3) |
Filing Party:
(4) |
Date Filed:
IMAX Corporation
2525 Speakman Drive
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, L5K 1B1
To our shareholders:
August 25, 2010 |
Corporations Board of Directors recently increased the size of
the Board from seven to nine directors in order to further expand the
Boards expertise and knowledge as the Company continues to
execute on its operating strategy going forward. The September 28, 2010 Special Meeting of
Shareholders is being called to elect two directors to fill the vacancies created by this
increase in the number of directors on the Board.
The nominees for election are I. Martin Pompadur and Eric A. Demirian. With proven track
records growing and managing global companies and extensive experience in media,
technology and finance, Messrs. Pompadur and Demirian bring valuable expertise and
knowledge to IMAX.
Messrs. Demirian and Pompadur qualify as independent directors within the meaning of the
Marketplace Rules of the Nasdaq Stock Market, LLC and, if elected, will serve as Class II
and III directors, respectively.
/s/ Richard L. Gelfond
Richard L. Gelfond
Chief Executive Officer
IMAX Corporation
2525 Speakman Drive
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, L5K 1B1
September 28, 2010
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Special Meeting of Shareholders of IMAX Corporation (the Company)
will be held at Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP, 450 Park Avenue, 28th Floor, Room
3, New York, New York, U.S.A. 10022 on Tuesday, September 28, 2010 at 11:00 a.m. (the Special
Meeting), for the purposes of:
(1) |
electing directors to fill vacancies which were created by the recent expansion of the
Board of Directors; and |
(2) |
transacting such other business as may properly be brought before the Special Meeting or
any adjournments thereof. |
The foregoing items of business are more fully described in the proxy circular and proxy statement
accompanying this Notice of Special Meeting of Shareholders.
Only shareholders of record as of the close of business on August 23, 2010 are entitled to notice
of and to vote at the Special Meeting.
By Order of the Board of Directors,
Executive Vice President, Corporate Services
& Corporate Secretary
Mississauga, Ontario
August 25, 2010
YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT. Shareholders who are unable to attend the Special Meeting in person are
requested to complete and return the accompanying Form of Proxy in the envelope provided for that
purpose. Proxies must be deposited with Computershare Investor Services Inc., c/o Stock and Bond
Transfer Dept., 9th Floor, 100 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5J 2Y1 or at the
Corporate Headquarters of the Company noted above on or before 11:00 a.m. (Eastern Time) on Friday,
September 24, 2010. Shareholders may also vote by following the instructions for voting by
telephone or over the internet in the accompanying proxy circular.
Proxy Circular
Proxy Statement
August 25, 2010
2525 Speakman Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, L5K 1B1
tel: 905-403-6500 fax: 905-403-6540
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IMAX Corporation
2525 Speakman Drive
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, L5K 1B1
This proxy circular and proxy statement (the Circular) is furnished in connection with
the solicitation by the management of the Company of proxies to be used at the Special Meeting of
Shareholders (the Special Meeting) of IMAX Corporation (the Company), which will be held at
Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP, 450 Park Avenue, 28th Floor, Room 3, New York, New
York, U.S.A. 10022, on Tuesday, September 28, 2010 at 11:00 a.m., or at any continuation,
postponement or adjournment thereof.
The Notice of Special Meeting, this document and the form of proxy (the Form of Proxy) will
be released on or about August 25, 2010 to holders of the Companys common shares (the Common
Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials for the Special Meeting to Be Held
on September 28, 2010
Pursuant to a new requirement promulgated by the United States Securities and Exchange
Commission (the SEC), the Company has elected to provide access to our proxy materials by sending
you this full set of proxy materials, including a form of proxy or voting instruction form. You are
encouraged to access and review all of the important information contained in the proxy materials
before submitting a proxy or voting at the Special Meeting. The proxy materials are also available
on the internet at
Regardless of the number of Common Shares you hold, your role as a shareholder is very
important and the Board of Directors strongly encourages you to exercise your right to vote.
Who can Vote
The Board of Directors has fixed August 23, 2010 as the record date for the Special Meeting.
Holders of Common Shares at the close of business on that date will be entitled to vote at the
Special Meeting. Each Common Share entitles the holder to one vote on all matters presented at the
Special Meeting. As of August 23, 2010, the Company had 63,744,680 Common Shares issued and
outstanding. You are entitled to vote if you were a holder of record of Common Shares as of the
close of business on August 23, 2010. You are entitled to one vote on each proposal for each Common
Share you held on the record date. Your Common Shares may be voted at the Special Meeting only if
you are present in person or your Common Shares are represented by a valid proxy.
Difference between a Shareholder of Record and a Street Name Holder
If your Common Shares are registered directly in your name, you are considered the shareholder
of record with respect to those Common Shares.
If your Common Shares are held in a stock brokerage account or by a bank, trust or other
nominee, then the broker, bank, trust or other nominee is considered to be the shareholder of
record with respect to those Common Shares. However, you are still considered the beneficial owner
of those Common Shares, and your Common Shares are said to be held in street name. Street name
holders generally cannot submit a proxy or vote their Common Shares directly and must instead
instruct the broker, bank, trust or other nominee how to vote their Common Shares using the methods
described below in Voting by Street Name Holders.
The following instructions are for shareholders of record only. If you are a street
name holder, please follow your brokers instructions on how to vote your Common Shares. See
description below in Voting by Street Name Holders.
Voting in Person
Shareholders of record may vote by attending the Special Meeting and voting the Common Shares
registered in their name on resolutions put before the Special Meeting. If you are a shareholder of
record who will attend and vote in person at the Special Meeting, you do not need to complete or
return the Form of Proxy. Please register your attendance with the scrutineer, Computershare
Investor Services Inc. (Computershare), upon your arrival at the Special Meeting.
Voting by Proxy
If you are a shareholder of record but do not plan to attend the Special Meeting in person,
you may vote by proxy. There are three ways to vote by proxy:
Mail You may vote by completing, dating and signing the enclosed Form of Proxy and promptly
returning it, in the preaddressed envelope provided to you, to Computershare, no later than 11:00
a.m. (Eastern Time) on Friday, September 24, 2010, or on the second last business day prior to any
postponed or adjourned meeting.
Telephone You may vote by telephone from within the United States or Canada by calling the
toll free number shown on the Form of Proxy no later than 11:00 a.m. (Eastern Time) on Friday,
September 24, 2010, or on the second last business day prior to any postponed or adjourned meeting.
Please refer to the holder account number and access number provided on the Form of Proxy.
Internet You may vote over the internet by following the login and voting procedures
described on the Form of Proxy. Please refer to the holder account number and access number
provided on the Form of Proxy. Detailed voting instructions will then be provided via the internet
to those who have completed the login procedure. You may vote (and revoke a previous vote) over the
internet at any time before 11:00 a.m. (Eastern Time) on Friday, September 24, 2010, or on the
second last business day prior to any postponed or adjourned meeting.
The internet voting procedure is designed to authenticate shareholders identities, to allow
shareholders to vote their Common Shares and to confirm that shareholders votes have been recorded
properly. Shareholders who submit a proxy through the internet should be aware that they may incur
costs to access the internet, such as usage charges from telephone companies or internet service
providers and that these costs must be borne by the shareholder. Also, please be aware that the
Company is not involved in the operation of the internet voting procedure and cannot take
responsibility for any access or internet service interruptions that may occur or any inaccuracies,
erroneous or incomplete information that may appear.
What is a Proxy?
A proxy is a document that authorizes another person to attend the Special Meeting and cast
votes on behalf of a shareholder of record at the Special Meeting. If you are a shareholder of
record, you can use the accompanying Form of Proxy. You may also use any other legal form of proxy.
How do you Appoint a Proxyholder?
Your proxyholder is the person you appoint to cast your votes for you at the Special Meeting.
The persons named in the enclosed Form of Proxy are directors and officers of the Company. You have
the right to appoint one of the persons designated as proxyholders in the accompanying Form of
Proxy or any other person, who need not be a shareholder of the Company, to attend and act on your
behalf at the Special Meeting.
Your proxy authorizes the proxyholder to vote and otherwise act for you at the Special
Meeting, including any continuation of the meeting if it is adjourned.
How will a Proxyholder Vote?
If you mark on the proxy how you want to vote on a particular issue (by checking FOR or
WITHHOLD), your proxyholder must cast your votes as instructed. By checking WITHHOLD on the
proxy, you will be abstaining from voting, though you will be treated as present for the purposes
of determining a quorum.
The person appointed as proxyholder has discretionary authority and may vote the Common Shares
represented thereby as such person considers best with respect to amendments or variations to
matters identified in the Notice of Special Meeting, and with respect to any other matter which may
properly come before the Special Meeting. As of the date of this Circular, the management of the
Company is not aware of any such amendment, variation or other matter proposed or likely to come
before the Special Meeting. If any amendments are proposed to these matters, or if any other
matters properly arise at the Special Meeting, your proxyholder can generally vote your Common
Shares as he or she sees fit.
When you submit your proxy, if you do NOT mark on the proxy how you intend to vote on a
particular matter, your proxyholder is entitled to vote your Common Shares as he or she sees fit.
If your proxy does not specify how you intend to vote on any particular matter, and if you have
authorized a director or officer of the Company to act as your proxyholder, your Common Shares will
be voted at the Special Meeting FOR the election of the nominees named in this Circular as
For more information, please see Election of Directors beginning on page 5.
How do you Revoke your Proxy?
Any proxy given pursuant to this solicitation may be revoked by the person giving it any time
before the Special Meeting by depositing an instrument in writing (including another proxy)
executed by the shareholder or the shareholders attorney authorized in writing at: (i) the
registered office of the Company, IMAX Corporation, 2525 Speakman Drive, Mississauga, Ontario,
Canada, L5K 1B1, Attention: Corporate Secretary, at any time up to and including 11:00 a.m.,
Eastern Time, on the second last business day prior to the date of the Special Meeting or any
adjournment or postponement thereof; or (ii) with the chairman of the Special Meeting on the day of
the Special Meeting or at any adjournment or postponement thereof; or (iii) in any other manner
permitted by law, including attending the Special Meeting in person. If you revoke your proxy and
do not replace it with another form of proxy that has been properly deposited, you may still vote
Common Shares registered in person at the Special Meeting.
Confidentiality of Voting
Computershare counts and tabulates proxies in a manner that preserves the confidentiality of
your votes. Proxies will not be submitted to management unless:
there is a proxy contest; |
the proxy contains comments clearly intended for management; or |
it is necessary to determine a proxys validity or to enable management and/or the
Board of Directors to meet their legal obligations to shareholders or to discharge their
legal duties to the Company. |
The Special Meeting requires a quorum, which for the purposes of the Special Meeting means:
at least two persons personally present, each being a shareholder entitled to vote
at the Special Meeting or a duly appointed proxyholder for a shareholder, and |
persons owning or representing by proxy not less than 33 1/3% of the total number
of Common Shares entitled to vote at the Special Meeting. |
As of August 23, 2010, the Company had 63,744,680 Common Shares issued and outstanding, each
carrying the right to one vote at all meetings of the shareholders of the Company.
Solicitation of Proxies
While management intends to solicit most proxies by mail, some proxies may be solicited by
telephone or other personal contact by directors, officers or employees of the Company. Directors,
officers and employees will not receive any additional compensation for such activity. The Company
will, upon request, pay brokers and certain other persons who hold the Companys Common Shares for
others their reasonable expenses for sending proxy materials to the beneficial owners of the
Companys Common Shares. The cost of solicitation will be borne by the Company. While the Company
has not chosen to engage the services of a proxy solicitor to aid in the solicitation of proxies
and verify records relating to the solicitation at this time, should the Company decide to do so,
it will bear all costs of such solicitation.
Copies of this solicitation have been distributed to your broker, bank or other
intermediary who are required to deliver them to, and seek voting instructions from, shareholders
who hold our Common Shares in street name. Intermediaries often use a service company such as
Broadridge Investor Communications (Broadridge) to forward meeting materials to street name
holders. If you are a street name holder, you can vote your Common Shares through your
intermediary by following the instructions your intermediary provides you with or at the Special
Meeting. As a street name holder, while you are invited to attend the Special Meeting, you will
not be entitled to vote at the Special Meeting unless you make the necessary arrangements with your
intermediary to do so.
Voting in Person
A street name holder who receives a Voting Instruction Form and who wishes to attend and
vote at the Special Meeting in person (or have another person attend and vote on his or her
behalf), should strike out the appointees named in the Voting Instruction Form and insert his or
her name (or such other persons name) in the blank space provided or follow the corresponding
instructions provided by the intermediary.
Voting through an Intermediary
Through an Intermediary As a street name holder, you will be given a Voting Instruction
Form by your intermediary which must be submitted in accordance with the instructions provided by
the intermediary. You must follow the intermediarys instructions (which allow the completion of
the Voting Instruction Form by mail, telephone or internet). Occasionally, as a street name
holder you may be given a form of proxy that has been signed by the intermediary and which is
restricted to the number of Common Shares owned by you as the beneficial shareholder but that is
otherwise not completed. This form of proxy does not need to be signed by you. In this case, you
can complete the form of proxy and vote by following the instructions provided by the intermediary.
Mail You may vote by completing, dating and signing the Voting Instruction Form and
promptly returning it, in the preaddressed envelope provided to you no later than 11:00 a.m.
(Eastern Time) on Friday, September 24, 2010, or on the second last business day prior to any
postponed or adjourned meeting.
Telephone You may vote by telephone from within the United States or Canada by calling the
toll free number shown on the Voting Instruction Form no later than 11:00 a.m. (Eastern Time) on
Friday, September 24, 2010, or on the second last business day prior to any postponed or adjourned
meeting. Please refer to the 12 digit control number provided on the Voting Instruction Form.
Internet If your intermediary is registered with Broadridge, whom we have retained to
manage street name holder internet voting, you may vote over the internet by following the login
and voting instructions on your Voting Instruction Form. Please refer to the 12 digit control
number provided on the Voting Instruction Form.
Some brokers, banks or other intermediaries may be participating in the practice of
householding proxy circulars. This means that only one copy of the Circular may have been sent to
multiple shareholders in the same household. Each shareholder will continue to receive a separate
voting instruction form. The Company will promptly deliver a separate copy to you if you request
one by writing or calling as follows: IMAX Corporation, 110 East 59th Street, Suite 2100, New York,
New York, U.S.A., 10022, Attention: Investor Relations at 212-821-0100. If you want to receive
separate copies of the circular in the future, or if you are receiving multiple copies and would
like to receive only one copy for your household, you should contact your intermediary.
Information for U.S. Street Name Holders
If you are a street name holder with an intermediary, you must instruct your U.S.
intermediary how to vote your Common Shares. If you do not provide voting instructions, your Common
Shares will not be voted on any proposal on which the U.S. intermediary does not have discretionary
authority to vote. This is called a broker non-vote. In these cases, the broker can register your
Common Shares as being present at the Special Meeting for purposes of determining the presence of a
quorum but will not be able to vote on those matters for which specific authorization is required.
There is an important change this year regarding broker non-votes and director elections.
Unlike in prior years when U.S. intermediaries had discretionary voting authority on the election
of directors, this year, U.S. intermediaries may not vote in the election of directors if they have
not received instructions from the street name holder. Accordingly, it is particularly important
that street name holders instruct their U.S. intermediaries how they wish to vote their Common
If a shareholder wishes to propose any matter for a vote by the Companys shareholders at
the Companys 2011 annual meeting of shareholders he or she must send his or her proposal to the
Corporate Headquarters of the Company at IMAX Corporation, 2525 Speakman Drive, Mississauga,
Ontario, Canada, L5K 1B1, Attention: Corporate Secretary. The Company may omit the proposal from
next years proxy circular and proxy statement under applicable Canadian corporate law and U.S.
securities laws if it is not received by the Companys Corporate Secretary at the address noted
above by December 30, 2010.
Shareholders or other interested parties wishing to communicate with the Board of
Directors, or any individual director, may do so by sending a written communication to IMAX
Corporation, 2525 Speakman Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, L5K 1B1, addressed to the Board of
Directors or any individual director, Attention: Corporate Secretary. The Secretary forwards all
such communications to the Board of Directors.
The Company is not aware of any persons who as of August 23, 2010, beneficially owned or
exercised control or direction over more than 5% of the Companys Common Shares except:
Amount and Nature of |
Percent of |
Beneficial Ownership of |
Outstanding |
Name and Address of Beneficial Owner of Common Shares |
Common Shares |
Common Shares |
Douglas Group |
Kevin and Michelle Douglas |
8,626,447(1) |
13.5% |
James E. Douglas, III |
K&M Douglas Trust |
Douglas Family Trust |
James Douglas and Jean Douglas Irrevocable Descendants Trust
125 E. Sir Francis Drake Blvd., Suite 400, Larkspur, CA, 94939 |
Tremblant Capital Group |
767 Fifth Avenue |
4,475,796(2) |
7.0% |
New York, NY, 10153 |
The percentage of outstanding Common Shares is based on dividing the number of Common
Shares beneficially owned by such person by 63,744,680 Common Shares outstanding as of August 23,
(1) |
Based solely on information reported in an amended Schedule 13G filed jointly by Kevin
Douglas, Michelle Douglas, James E. Douglas, III, the Douglas Family Trust, the K&M
Douglas Trust, and James Douglas & Jean Douglas Irrevocable Descendants Trust on
February 17, 2009 with the SEC. As reported in such filing, Kevin Douglas has shared
voting power with respect to 6,038,513 Common Shares. (Kevin Douglas and his wife,
Michelle Douglas, hold 3,709,372 Common Shares jointly as the beneficiaries and
co-trustees of the K&M Douglas Trust. In addition, Kevin Douglas and Michelle Douglas are
co-trustees of the James Douglas and Jean Douglas Irrevocable Descendants Trust, which
holds 2,329,141 Common Shares.) Kevin Douglas has shared dispositive power with respect
to 8,626,447 Common Shares. (Kevin Douglas has dispositive power with respect to 862,645
Common Shares held by James E. Douglas, III and 1,725,289 Common Shares held by the
Douglas Family Trust.) |
(2) |
Based solely on information reported in an amended Schedule 13G filed by Tremblant
Capital Group (Tremblant) on February 16, 2010 with the SEC. As reported in such
filing, Tremblant has sole voting power with respect to 4,475,796 Common Shares and sole
dispositive power with respect to 4,475,796 Common Shares. Tremblant does not hold shared
voting/dispositive power with respect to any of its Common Shares. |
The Companys articles provide that the Board of Directors may be comprised of a minimum of
one and a maximum of 15 directors, with the actual number determined from time to time by
resolution of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors recently
increased the size of the Board from seven to nine directors in order
to further expand the Boards expertise and knowledge as the
Company continues to execute on its operating strategy going forward.
At the Special Meeting, shareholders will be asked to approve the election of directors by
ordinary resolution, which requires that a majority of the votes cast at the Special Meeting be in
favor of the resolution for the election of the nominees. In the absence of any instruction on the
accompanying Form of Proxy, it is the intention of the persons named by management in the Form of
Proxy to vote the Common Shares represented by the proxy in favor of the resolution. If any of the
nominees is for any reason unable to serve as a director, proxies in favor of management will be
voted for another nominee in their discretion unless the shareholder has specified in the Form of
Proxy that such shareholders Common Shares are to be withheld from voting on the election of
The Board of Directors is divided into three classes, each of which serves for a three-year
term. The Board of Directors is currently composed of Neil S. Braun, Kenneth G. Copland, Richard L.
Gelfond, Garth M. Girvan, David W. Leebron, Marc A. Utay, and Bradley J. Wechsler. The term of
Class II directors expires in 2011. The term of Class I directors expires in 2012. The term of
Class III directors expires in 2013.
The nominees for election as directors have indicated to the Company that they will serve if
elected. Each director elected will hold office until the earlier of the annual meeting of
shareholders in 2011; until his successor is elected or appointed; or until the date of his
resignation or termination.
Shareholders who wish to have the Board of Directors consider the nomination of any person for
director at the 2011 meeting of shareholders should communicate with the Companys Corporate
Secretary at the Companys corporate office (see description below in Nomination Process).
Nominees for Election
The Board of Directors unanimously recommends a vote FOR the election of each of these
nominees as directors.
The individuals noted below are to be nominated for election to the Board of Directors of the
The following table lists certain information concerning the persons to be nominated for
election to the Board of Directors of the Company in Classes II and III and the directors whose
terms continue after the Special Meeting.
Current Position |
Nominee for Election as Class II Director for a Term Expiring in 2011 |
with the Company |
Eric A. Demirian, 52, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
n/a |
Eric A. Demirian is President of Parklea Capital, Inc. Prior to Mr.
Demirians position at Parklea Capital, he held the position of
Executive Vice President of Group Telecom from 2000 to 2003. Mr.
Demirians previous positions include, partner and head of
Information and Communication Practice at PricewaterhouseCoopers
(1983-2000) and internal auditor at the Ontario Lottery and Gaming
Corporation (1980-1983). Mr. Demirian serves on the boards and is
the chair of the audit committee of Enghouse Systems Ltd. and Menu
Foods Income Fund. Mr. Demirian is a director of Leisure Canada Inc.
Mr. Demirian is a former director and chair of the audit committee
of Keystone North America Inc. (20072010) and former director and
chair of the audit committee of Granby Industries Income Fund
(20062007). Mr. Demirian is a Canadian citizen. He is a Chartered
Accountant and a Certified General Accountant. Mr. Demirians
accounting experience combined with his substantial business and
transaction experience make him well suited to assist the Board in
its assessment of financial and accounting matters. Mr. Demirian
will qualify as an independent director within the meaning of the
Marketplace Rules of the Nasdaq Stock Market, LLC. Mr. Demirian
previously served as Executive Vice President of Group Telecom Inc.
(GT Inc.) and its operating subsidiary GT Group Telecom Services
Inc. (GT Services) from January, 2000 to February, 2003 and a
Director of GT Inc. from June, 2002 to August, 2002. GT Inc. was a
publicly traded telecommunications corporation listed on the TSX and
NASDAQ. In June 2002, GT Inc. and GT Services made an application
under the Corporation Creditors Arrangement Act (Canada) and under
Chapter 11 in the United States. In February 2003, GT Services and
all of the operations of the Corporation were sold to a competitor
and GT Inc. underwent bankruptcy proceedings. |
Current Position |
Nominee for Election as Class III Director for a Term Expiring in 2011 |
with the Company |
I. Martin Pompadur, 75, New York, New York, U.S.A
n/a |
Martin Pompadur is the Chairman of Metan Development Group. In June
1998, Mr. Pompadur joined News Corporation as Executive Vice
President of News Corporation, President of News Corporation Eastern
and Central Europe and a member of News Corporations Executive
Management Committee. He was appointed Chairman of News Corp Europe
in January 2000, a position he held until 2008. Mr. Pompadur was
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of RP Companies from 1982 to
2007 and has held executive positions at several other media
companies including American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. Mr.
Pompadur is the principal owner of Caribbean International News
Corporation and Montana Coffee. Mr. Pompadur serves on the board of
Nexstar Broadcasting Group Inc. and is Senior Advisor to Oliver Wyman
and Global Vice Chairman Media and Entertainment, Macquarie Capital
Advisors. Mr. Pompadur brings to the Board his broad international
perspective gained from many years of experience as a senior
executive and board member of large media companies. Mr. Pompadurs
deep knowledge of business development and media strategy will be a
valuable addition to the Board. Mr. Pompadur will qualify as
independent directors within the meaning of the Marketplace Rules of
the Nasdaq Stock Market, LLC. |
Expiry of Term |
Directors who Continue in Office after the Special Meeting |
of Office |
Neil S. Braun, 57, New York, New York, U.S.A.
2012 |
Neil S. Braun has been a director of the Company since
June 2003 and is the Dean of Pace University, Lubin
School of Business. Mr. Braun held the position of Chief
Executive Officer of The Carbon Neutral Company from 2008
to June 2010 and Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of
The GreenLife Organization from 2007 to 2008. Mr. Braun
held the position of President, Distribution & Marketing
of Starz Media since it acquired IDT Entertainment in
August 2006, President, Feature Films and Television of
IDT Entertainment from 2005 to 2007 and the President of
Vanguard Animation, LLC from 2001 to 2005. He was the
President of Vast Video Inc. prior to this and was
President of iCast Corporation a wholly-owned subsidiary
of CMGI, Inc. during 1999. From 1994 to 1998, Mr. Braun
was President of NBC Television Network. Mr. Braun also
sits on the Share our Strength and Westhampton Beach
Performing Arts Center boards of directors and is a
member of the University of Pennsylvania School of Arts
and Sciences Board of Overseers, all non-profit
organizations. Mr. Braun has received his Certificate of
Director Education through the National Association of
Corporate Directors and is a member of KPMG Audit
Committee Institute. Mr. Braun is a member of the
Companys Audit, Compensation and Nominating Committees.
Mr. Brauns experience as a senior executive of a number
of entertainment technology and other companies allows
him to provide valuable insight into issues and
opportunities facing the Company and has given him
financial expertise which is valuable to the Audit
Committee. |
Kenneth G. Copland, 72, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
2012 |
Kenneth G. Copland has been a director of the Company
since June 1999 and is the Chairman of KGC Ltd. Mr.
Copland was the Vice-Chairman of BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc.
from 1994 to May 2001. Mr. Copland is a director of
Allbanc Split Corp. II. Mr. Copland serves as the
Chairman of the Audit Committee of the Company and is a
member of the Companys Compensation and Nominating
Committees. Mr. Copland is a Canadian citizen. Mr.
Coplands tenure as Vice-Chairman of a major bank and his
other prominent positions in the investment banking
industry for more than 40 years have given Mr. Copland a
knowledge and understanding with respect to generally
accepted accounting principles and auditing standards and
how they should be applied to budgeting and financial
reporting systems. With his strong financial background,
Mr. Copland serves as the Chair of the Audit Committee
and meets the SEC definition of an Audit Committee
financial expert. |
Richard L. Gelfond, 54, New York, New York, U.S.A.
2013 |
Effective April 1, 2009, Mr. Gelfond assumed the role of
sole Chief Executive Officer of the Company. Mr. Gelfond
served as Co-Chairman of the Company with Mr. Wechsler
from June 1999 to March 31, 2009 and Co-Chief Executive
Officer with Mr. Wechsler from May 1996 to March 31,
2009. From March 1994 to June 1999, Mr. Gelfond served as
Vice Chairman of the Company. Mr. Gelfond serves as
Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Stony Brook
Foundation, Inc., which is affiliated with Stony Brook
University, and is on the Board of Directors for
Brookhaven Science Associates, which is the management
company of Brookhaven National Laboratories. Mr. Gelfond
is a member of the Board of Directors of the Atlantic
Counsel. He is also Vice Chairman of the New York
Historical Society and a Member of the Motion Picture
Academy of Arts & Science. Mr. Gelfond served as the
Chairman of the Columbia Shuttle Memorial Trust Steering
Committee, which was established in co-operation with
NASA to support the families of the seven crew members of
the STS-107 mission of the Space Shuttle Columbia, which
came to a tragic end on February 1, 2003. Mr. Gelfonds
long service as Chief Executive Officer of the Company
(formerly Co-Chief Executive Officer), as well as his
financial, legal and capital markets expertise, combined
with his extensive knowledge of the business and
operations of the Company and his relationships with
studios, exhibitors and senior management with the
Company, are valuable assets to the Board. Due to Mr.
Gelfonds long-time leadership role in the Company and in
the marketplace, he brings to the Board a practical
understanding of the organization, its processes,
strategy, risk management and optimal methods to drive
change and growth. |
Garth M. Girvan, 61, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
2012 |
Garth M. Girvan has been a director of the Company since
March 1994 and is a partner of McCarthy Tétrault LLP. Mr.
Girvan is a director of Entertainment One Ltd. Mr. Girvan
serves as the Chairman of the Compensation Committee of
the Company and is a member of the Companys Corporate
Governance and Option Committees. Mr. Girvan is a
Canadian citizen. Mr. Girvan brings to the Board his
extensive background as legal counsel to public and
private companies, including having provided recognized
leadership in complex public and private equity and debt
financings, which makes him well-suited to assist the
Board in addressing the legal, financial and governance
issues which it faces. |
Expiry of Term |
Directors who Continue in Office after the Special Meeting |
of Office |
David W. Leebron, 55, Houston, Texas, U.S.A.
2011 |
David W. Leebron has been a director of the Company since
September 2003 and has been the President of Rice
University since July 1, 2004. Prior to July 1, 2004, Mr.
Leebron held the position of Dean and Lucy G. Moses
Professor of Law at Columbia University School of Law
since 1996 and Professor of Law since 1989. Mr. Leebron
is on the Council on Foreign Relations, and on the board
of the Greater Houston Partnership and KIPP Foundation.
Mr. Leebron serves as Chairman of the Corporate
Governance and Nominating Committees of the Company and
is a member of the Companys Audit and Compensation
Committees. Mr. Leebron brings his broad legal
experience, leadership and management skills as President
of Rice University and former Dean of Columbia Law School
to the Board which makes him well suited to assess legal
risks and other challenges faced by the Company, as well
as to apply his experience to governance issues facing
the Board. |
Marc A. Utay, 50, New York, New York, U.S.A.
2011 |
Marc A. Utay has been a director of the Company since May
1996 and has been the Managing Partner of Clarion Capital
Partners, a private equity investment firm, since
November 1999. Prior to joining Clarion, Mr. Utay was a
Managing Director of Wasserstein Perella & Co. Inc. and a
member of Wasserstein Perellas Policy Committee. Mr.
Utay was co-head of Wasserstein Perellas Leveraged
Finance, Retailing and Media, Telecommunication and
Entertainment groups. Until December 2002, Mr. Utay was
also a Senior Advisor to Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein.
Mr. Utay is a director of P&F Industries, Inc. Mr. Utay
serves as Chairman of the Option Committee of the Company
and is a member of the Companys Corporate Governance and
Compensation Committees. Mr. Utay is a seasoned
entrepreneur who has more than 25 years of experience in
investment banking and in direct investment in public and
private companies and funds. He also brings particular
expertise to the Board in the areas of financial
planning, the capital markets and operating experience
that strengthens the Boards skill in those areas. |
Bradley J. Wechsler, 58, New York, New York, U.S.A
2013 |
Effective April 1, 2009, Bradley J. Wechsler assumed the
role of sole Chairman of the Companys Board of
Directors. Mr. Wechsler served as Co-Chief Executive
Officer of the Company with Mr. Gelfond from May 1996 to
March 31, 2009. From March 1994 to June 1999, Mr.
Wechsler served as Chairman of the Company and served as
Co-Chairman with Mr. Gelfond from June 1999 to March 31,
2009. Mr. Wechsler serves on the boards of the American
Museum of the Moving Image, Math for America, the Ethical
Culture Fieldston Schools and Apollo Investment
Corporation. Mr. Wechsler also serves on the board of the
NYU Hospital and Medical Center, where he is a Vice
Chairman and member of the Executive Committee. Mr.
Wechsler is a Member of the Motion Picture Academy of
Arts & Science. Mr. Wechslers long service as Co-Chief
Executive Officer of the Company, as well as his
financial, legal and capital markets expertise, combined
with his extensive knowledge of the business and
operations of the Company, are valuable assets to the
Board. Due to Mr. Wechslers long-time leadership role in
the Company and in the marketplace, he brings to the
Board a practical understanding of the organization, its
processes, strategy, risk management and the optimal
methods to drive change and growth. In addition, Mr.
Wechsler brings particular expertise in board leadership
and governance given his long service as Co-Chairman of
the Board. |
The following table sets forth certain information regarding the executive officers of
the Company as of August 25, 2010.
Name |
Age |
Position |
Richard L. Gelfond
55 |
Chief Executive Officer and Director |
Joseph Sparacio
50 |
Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer |
Gary Moss
51 |
Chief Operating Officer |
Greg Foster
48 |
Chairman & President, Filmed Entertainment |
Robert D. Lister
41 |
Senior Executive Vice President & General Counsel |
Brian Bonnick
53 |
Executive Vice President, Technology |
David B. Keighley
62 |
Executive Vice President & President, David Keighley Productions 70MM Inc. |
Larry OReilly
48 |
Executive Vice President, Theatre Development |
G. Mary Ruby
52 |
Executive Vice President, Corporate Services & Corporate Secretary |
Mark Welton
47 |
Executive Vice President, Corporate and Digital Development & Theatre Operations |
Edward MacNeil
45 |
Senior Vice President, Finance |
Jeffrey Vance
39 |
Vice President, Finance & Controller |
Richard L. Gelfond assumed the role of sole Chief Executive Officer of the Company
effective April 1, 2009, and remains a member of the Companys Board of Directors. Mr. Gelfond
served as Co-Chairman of the Company with Mr. Wechsler from June 1999 to March 31, 2009 and
Co-Chief Executive Officer with Mr. Wechsler from May 1996 to March 31, 2009. From March 1994 to
June 1999, Mr. Gelfond served as Vice Chairman of the Company. Mr. Gelfond serves as Chairman of
the Board of Trustees of the Stony Brook Foundation, Inc., which is affiliated with Stony Brook
University, and is on the Board of Directors for Brookhaven Science Associates, which is the
management company of Brookhaven National Laboratories. Mr. Gelfond is a member of the Board of
Directors of the Atlantic Counsel. He is also Vice Chairman of the New York Historical Society and
a Member of the Motion Picture Academy of Arts & Science. Mr. Gelfond served as the Chairman of the
Columbia Shuttle Memorial Trust Steering Committee, which was established in co-operation with NASA
to support the families of the seven crew members of the STS-107 mission of the Space Shuttle
Columbia, which came to a tragic end on February 1, 2003.
Joseph Sparacio joined the Company in May 2007 as Executive Vice President and was appointed
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in August 2007. Prior to joining the Company, Mr. Sparacio served
as Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer for the programming company iN Demand L.L.C.
from June 2002 until his employment with the Company. From 1998 to 2002, Mr. Sparacio served as
Vice President of Finance and Controller for Loews Cineplex Entertainment Corporation. From 1994 to
1998, Mr. Sparacio served as Vice President, Finance and Controller of Loews Theater Management
Corp., and from 1990 to 1994, he served as Controller. Prior to joining Loews, Mr. Sparacio spent
eight years with Ernst & Young. Mr. Sparacio is a certified public accountant and is a member of
the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the New York State Society of Certified
Public Accountants.
Gary Moss joined the Company in July 2009 as Chief Operating Officer. Prior to joining the
Company, Mr. Moss was an independent consultant from 2008 until his employment with the Company and
served as Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer of Concert Productions International
(CPI), a major promoter of rock concerts and tours in North America, and an operating subsidiary of
Live Nation Inc. from 2004 to 2008. Mr. Moss worked with EMI Group Canada Inc., as Vice President,
Finance from 1995 to 2004, and with Sega of Canada, Inc. as Vice President of Finance from 1993 to
1995. Mr. Moss is a Chartered Accountant and received his Bachelors of Commerce from University of
KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
Greg Foster joined the Company in March 2001 as President, Filmed Entertainment and was
appointed Chairman & President, Filmed Entertainment in September 2004. Prior to joining the
Company, Mr. Foster was Executive Vice-President of Production at MGM/UA. Prior to that, Mr. Foster
held other senior positions including Senior Vice-President of Motion Picture Marketing Research
during his 15 years at MGM/UA. In 1999, Mr. Foster founded uMogul, a financial services company and
held the position of Chairman, Co-Founder and President.
Robert D. Lister joined the Company in May 1999 as Senior Vice President, Legal Affairs &
General Counsel, and was appointed Senior Executive Vice President & General Counsel in December
2007. Previous to that, Mr. Lister held the position of Executive Vice President, Business & Legal
Affairs, Corporate Communications & General Counsel since January 2006 and was Executive Vice
President, Legal and Business Affairs & General Counsel, a position he held from May 2001 to
January 2006. Prior to joining the Company, Mr. Lister was Vice President, General Counsel and
Secretary of Clearview Cinemas, a film exhibitor, from March 1998 until his employment with the
Company. Prior to that, Mr. Lister served as Associate General Counsel of Merit Behavioral Care
Corporation, a behavioral healthcare company, from 1996 to 1998. Mr. Lister is a member of the
Board of Directors of 3D Net, a joint venture of Sony, Discovery Communications, and the Company.
Mr. Lister is a member of the New York State Bar Association.
Brian Bonnick joined the Company in January 1999 as Vice President, Research & Technology and
was appointed Executive Vice President, Technology in June 2006. Previous to that, Mr. Bonnick held
the position of Senior Vice President, Technology, a position he held since August 2001. Prior to
joining the Company, Mr. Bonnick was Vice President, Engineering and Operations for Electrohome
Corporation. Prior to that Mr. Bonnick was Vice President and General Manager at TSB International
Inc., a telecommunications company. Mr. Bonnick is registered as a professional engineer by the
Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario.
David B. Keighley joined the Company in February 1988 and was appointed Executive Vice
President of the Company in July 2007. Previous to that, Mr. Keighley held the position of Senior
Vice President, a position he held since July 1997. Mr. Keighley is President of David Keighley
Productions 70MM Inc., a subsidiary of the Company. Mr. Keighley is responsible for motion picture
and digital post-production and image quality assurance.
Larry OReilly joined the Company in March 1994 as the Sales Manager, Film Distribution and
was appointed Executive Vice President, Theatre Development in September 2004. Mr. OReilly has
held various positions within the Company including Manager, Business Development, Film; Director,
Strategic Partnerships; Director, Commercial Marketing: The Americas; Vice President, Sales, The
Americas; and Senior Vice President, Theatre Development & Film Distribution.
G. Mary Ruby joined the Company in October 1987 as Associate General Counsel and was appointed
Executive Vice President, Corporate Services (Legal, Human Resources and Administration) &
Corporate Secretary in January 2008. Previous to that Ms. Ruby held the position of Senior Vice
President, Human Resources and Administration since May 2007 and Senior Vice President, Legal
Affairs & Corporate Secretary since July 2001. Ms. Ruby held the position of General Counsel of the
Company from February 1989 to February 1997. Ms. Ruby is also Deputy General Counsel and acts as
Corporate Secretary to the Board of Directors. In November 2004, Ms. Ruby was appointed by the
Companys Audit Committee as Chief Compliance Officer, responsible for oversight of the Companys
Whistle Blower Program. Ms. Ruby is a member of the Ontario Bar Association. Ms. Ruby is a Governor
and past Chairperson of the Governance Committee of Branksome Hall.
Mark Welton joined the Company in July 1997 as Director, Business Affairs and was appointed
Executive Vice President, Corporate and Digital Development & Theatre Operations in April 2007.
From September 2001 to October 2003, Mr. Welton held the position of Senior Vice President,
Business Affairs, and from October 2003 to June 2006, Mr. Welton held the position of Senior Vice
President, Theatre Operations and from June 2006 to April 2007 held the position of Executive Vice
President, Theatre Operations & General Manager, Digital. Prior to joining the Company Mr. Welton
was an associate lawyer at the law firm Stikeman, Elliot from 1994 until his employment with the
Edward MacNeil joined the Company in April 1994 as Director, Taxation & Treasury and was
appointed Senior Vice President, Finance in August 2007. Mr. MacNeil served as interim Chief
Financial Officer from August 2006 to August 2007. From October 1999 to August 2001, Mr. MacNeil
held the position of Director and Senior Vice President of Digital Projection Limited, a former
subsidiary of the Company. From September 2001 to September 2006, Mr. MacNeil held the position of
Vice President Finance, Tax and Special Projects. Prior to joining the Company, Mr. MacNeil was a
Taxation Manager at PricewaterhouseCoopers. Mr. MacNeil is a member of the Canadian Institute of
Chartered Accountants.
Jeffrey Vance joined the Company in October 2004 as Manager, Business Operations and was
appointed Vice President, Finance and Controller in February 2008. Mr. Vance served as
Co-Controller from November 2006 and previous to that, Mr. Vance held the position of Director,
Finance and Treasurer. Prior to joining the Company, Mr. Vance was employed in the Audit and
Business Advisory Division at Arthur Andersen LLP from 1994 to 2002, most recently as Audit
Manager, and was the Assistant Director, Financial Administration at FedEx Trade Networks Transport
and Brokerage (Canada) Inc. from 2002 to 2003 and Eastern Region Controller and Manager of
Administration at Comstock Canada Ltd. from 2003 to 2004. Mr. Vance is a member of the Canadian
Institute of Chartered Accountants.
The following table sets forth information with respect to the beneficial ownership of
the Companys Common Shares as of August 23, 2010 or as otherwise indicated in the notes below,
including (i) all persons to be nominated for election to the Board of Directors, individually;
(ii) all directors and the named executive officers, individually; and (iii) all directors and
officers as a group. The Companys named executive officers are the individuals who served during
2009 as Chief Executive Officers, Chief Financial Officer and the three most highly compensated
executive officers of the Company, other than the Chief Executive Officers and the Chief Financial
Officer, who were serving as executive officers as of December 31, 2009 (collectively, the Named
Executive Officers).
Common Shares |
Percent of |
Beneficially Owned, |
Stock Options |
Outstanding |
Name of Beneficial Owner |
Controlled or |
Exercisable |
Common |
of Common Shares |
Directed (1) |
within 60 days |
Total |
Shares (2) |
Richard L. Gelfond |
525,500 |
1,280,000 |
1,805,500 |
2.8 |
% |
Bradley J. Wechsler |
632,800 |
1,050,000 |
1,682,800 |
2.6 |
% |
Neil S. Braun |
16,000 |
16,000 |
* |
Kenneth G. Copland |
25,804 |
73,138 |
98,942 |
* |
Eric A. Demirian |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
* |
Garth M. Girvan |
57,702 |
53,519 |
111,221 |
* |
David W. Leebron |
7,300 |
67,690 |
74,990 |
* |
I. Martin Pompadur |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Marc A. Utay |
1,098,131 |
57,815 |
1,155,946 |
1.8 |
% |
Joseph Sparacio |
26,250 |
26,250 |
Robert D. Lister |
9,000 |
Nil |
9,000 |
* |
Greg Foster |
26,000 |
185,898 |
211,898 |
* |
Larry OReilly |
5,000 |
8,500 |
13,500 |
* |
All directors and
executive officers as
a group (18 persons) |
2,401,439 |
2,865,010 |
5,266,449 |
7.9 |
% |
(1) |
Statements as to securities beneficially owned by directors and executive officers, or
as to securities over which they exercise control or direction, are based upon
information obtained from such directors and executive officers and from records
available to the Company. |
(2) |
The percent of outstanding Common Shares is based on dividing the number of Common
Shares beneficially owned by the individual by 63,744,680 Common Shares outstanding as of
August 23, 2010, adjusted for Common Shares issuable through the exercise of vested stock
options held by such person, plus stock options held by such person that vest within 60
days of that date. |
(3) |
Mr. Gelfond has sole voting and dispositive power with respect to 435,400
Common Shares and shared voting and dispositive power with respect to 100,100
Common Shares. As of August 23, 2010, Mr. Gelfond also had outstanding 530,000
SARs, which entitle Mr. Gelfond to receive cash from the Company for any increase in
the Fair Market Value of the Common Shares from the Fair Market Value on the grant date
to the date of exercise of the SARs. The SARs may be replaced by the Company, at its
option, with stock options or restricted shares in certain circumstances and subject to
certain restrictions. |
(4) |
Mr. Wechsler has sole voting and dispositive power with respect to 158,300 Common
Shares and shared voting and dispositive power with respect to 474,500 Common
Shares. As of August 23, 2010, Mr. Wechsler also had outstanding 450,000 SARs,
which entitle Mr. Wechsler to receive cash from the Company for any increase in the Fair
Market Value of the Common Shares from the Fair Market Value on the grant date to the
date of exercise of the SARs. The SARs may be replaced by the Company, at its option,
with stock options or restricted shares in certain circumstances and subject to certain
restrictions. |
(5) |
Mr. Copland has sole voting and dispositive power with respect to 25,804
Common Shares. |
(6) |
Mr. Girvan has sole voting and dispositive power with respect to 57,702
Common Shares. |
(7) |
Mr. Leebron has sole voting and dispositive power with respect to 6,000 Common
Shares and shared voting and dispositive power with respect to 1,300 Common Shares. |
(8) |
Mr. Utay has sole voting and dispositive power with respect to 1,098,131
Common Shares. |
(9) |
Mr. Lister has shared voting and dispositive power with respect to 9,000 Common
Shares. As of August 23, 2010, Mr. Lister also had outstanding
120,000 SARs, which entitle Mr. Lister to receive cash from the Company for any increase in
the Fair Market Value of the Common Shares from the Fair Market Value on the grant date to
the date of exercise of the SARs. The SARs may be replaced by the Company, at its option,
with stock options in certain circumstances and subject to certain restrictions. |
(10) |
Mr. Foster has shared voting and dispositive power with respect to 26,000 Common
Shares. As of August 23, 2010, Mr. Foster also had outstanding 300,000 SARs, which
entitle Mr. Foster to receive cash from the Company for any increase in the Fair Market
Value of the Common Shares from the Fair Market Value on the grant date to the date of
exercise of the SARs. The SARs may be replaced by the Company, at its option, with stock
options in certain circumstances and subject to certain restrictions. |
(11) |
Mr. OReilly has sole voting and dispositive power with respect to 5,000
Common Shares. |
The following table sets forth information regarding the Companys Equity Compensation Plan as
of December 31, 2009.
Number of |
Securities Remaining |
Available for Future |
Number of Securities to be |
Issuance Under Equity |
Issued Upon Exercise of |
Weighted Average Exercise |
Compensation Plans |
Outstanding Stock Options, |
Price of Outstanding |
(Excluding Securities |
Warrants and Rights |
Stock Options |
Reflected in Column (a)) |
Plan Category |
(a) |
(b) |
(c) |
Equity compensation plans approved by security holders |
6,173,795 |
$ |
6.52 |
6,392,600 |
Equity compensation plans not approved by security holders |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Total |
6,173,795 |
$ |
6.52 |
6,392,600 |
Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the Exchange Act) requires the
Companys directors and executive officers and persons who own more than 10% of a registered class
of the Companys equity securities (collectively, the Reporting Persons) to file reports of
ownership on Form 3 and changes in ownership on Form 4 or Form 5 with the SEC. The Reporting
Persons are also required by the Exchange Act to furnish the Company with copies of all Section
16(a) reports they file. Based solely upon review of Forms 3, 4 and 5 (and amendments thereto)
received from, or written representations by, the Reporting Persons, in respect of the fiscal year
ended December 31, 2009, the Company believes that all such reports were timely filed.
On April 3, 2007, certain directors, senior officers and certain former employees were
prohibited from trading in the securities of the Company pursuant to management cease trade orders
issued by the Ontario Securities Commission (the OSC) and certain other provincial securities
regulators in connection with the delay in filing certain of the Companys financial statements.
All management cease trade orders were fully revoked on November 22, 2007.
This Compensation Discussion and Analysis describes the material elements of the Companys
executive compensation program and the rationale for the program elements and decisions for the
year ended December 31, 2009.
Compensation Philosophy and Objectives
The following principles have guided the Company in developing its compensation programs and
in determining total compensation levels for the Companys Named Executive Officers:
the Company must be prepared to compete with larger organizations with greater
resources for executive talent; |
the Companys compensation practices should take into account the dynamic nature of
the Companys business over the last several years; and |
the Companys compensation programs should encourage the Companys Named Executive
Officers to increase long-term shareholder value in a manner that appropriately balances
short-term growth objectives and does not create undue risk for the Company and its
shareholders. |
The Companys compensation philosophy is to attract and retain key employees, to motivate them
to achieve and to reward them for superior performance. The objectives of the Companys
compensation program are to:
provide competitive compensation programs that consist of cash and equity-based
components that appropriately encourage and reward performance and that create enduring
long-term shareholder value; |
reward the Companys Named Executive Officers for their individual contributions to
the success of Company; |
link executive compensation to the Companys long-term strategic objectives; and |
align executive officers interests with shareholder interests through an equity
award framework that creates a sense of ownership and shared risk among executives. |
Based on the foregoing principles and philosophy, the Company has structured its annual and
long-term incentive based cash and non-cash compensation programs to motivate executives to achieve
the business goals set by the Company and reward the executives for achieving such goals.
Summary of 2009 Performance and Results
Despite the recent economic downturn, the Company experienced significantly improved financial
performance during the year as compared with prior years. With respect to 2009 compensation, the
Company has balanced continued challenging macro-economic conditions with its expectations of
further improvement in overall performance. Moreover, the rapid growth of the Companys theatre
network since 2008, along with the increased number of films distributed to the Companys theatre
network, the Companys intent to explore brand extension opportunities and the Companys continued
expansion internationally have increased the size and complexity of its business and, therefore,
the roles and responsibilities of many of the Companys Named Executive Officers.
As a result of the Companys improved financial performance in 2009, its having exceeded its
budget targets for the year, its successful implementation of numerous cost reduction initiatives
and the increase in the Companys Common Share price from $4.46 on December 31, 2008 to $13.31 on
December 31, 2009, the compensation earned by the Named Executive Officers for 2009 was generally
above the target compensation opportunities established for Named Executive Officers. This result
is consistent with the intent and design of the Companys variable pay programs, which link actual
pay directly to improved operating results, and result in reduced compensation in years in which
financial results do not meet expectations.
Executive Compensation Process
Scope and Authority of the Compensation Committee
The Compensation Committee makes all compensation and employment decisions for the Companys
Chief Executive Officer (the CEO). The Compensation Committee is currently composed of Messrs.
Girvan (Chairman), Braun, Copland, Leebron and Utay, all of whom fulfill the independence
requirements of Rule 5605(a)(2) of the NASDAQ Marketplace Rules and Section 1.4 of Canadian
National Instrument 52-110. These rules provide that an independent director is a person other than
an officer or employee of the Company or any other individual having a relationship that in the
opinion of the Board of Directors would interfere with the exercise of independent judgment in
carrying out the responsibilities of the director and sets forth specific categories of
relationships that disqualify a director from being independent (any such director, an Independent
The Compensation Committee operates under a written mandate, the Compensation Committee
Charter, which was adopted by the Companys Board of Directors.
The Compensation Committees responsibilities include (but are not limited to) the following:
preparing and approving the compensation package of the CEO; |
reviewing and approving corporate goals and objectives relevant to the compensation
of the CEO and evaluating the performance of the CEO against these goals and objectives; |
reviewing all new employment, consulting, retirement and severance arrangements for
the CEO; and |
reviewing this Compensation Disclosure & Analysis and recommending to the Board of
Directors its inclusion in this Circular. |
Role of the Compensation Committee in Determining CEO Compensation
The Compensation Committee prepares and approves the compensation package of the CEO,
including rendering decisions with respect to base salary, performance-based incentive compensation
and long-term equity incentive compensation. In evaluating the CEO, the Compensation Committee will
the CEOs skill set, experience, historical performance and expected future
contribution to the Company, and the impact on the Company if the CEO were to depart from
employment with the Company; |
the level of total compensation for the Companys other senior executives; and |
as described below, pay information from other companies and published surveys and
other public salary disclosures as a general market reference. |
In December 2008, the Compensation Committee recommended an amendment to Mr. Gelfonds
employment agreement which recognized that he would assume the role of sole CEO, effective April
2009. The amendment provided for an increase in Mr. Gelfonds salary effective January 1, 2010, as
well as a grant of stock options which would vest in five equal amounts commencing on April 1,
2009. This increase in Mr. Gelfonds salary and the grant of stock options reflect the increased
responsibility attendant with being sole CEO. Also in December 2008, the Compensation Committee
recommended that Company enter into a Services Agreement with Mr. Wechsler in connection with the
termination of his employment with the Company as Co-Chief Executive Officer and his appointment as
sole Chairman of the Board.
Role of the CEO in Executive Compensation Decisions
The Board of Directors has determined that to best align executive compensation with
shareholders interests and the Companys business strategy, the CEO should make decisions
regarding the equity and non-equity compensation of other Named Executive
Officers given his familiarity with the Companys day-to-day operations and his insight into
what rewards and incentives are effective. Accordingly, each year, the CEO reviews the performance
of each member of the executive team, including the Named Executive Officers, in consultation with
other supervising executives including the Chief Operating Officer, and reaches certain conclusions
and recommendations based on these reviews, including decisions with respect to base salary,
performance-based incentive compensation and long-term equity incentive compensation, which are
then implemented by the Company. In evaluating a Named Executive Officer, the CEO will consider the
an individuals skill set, experience, historical performance and expected future
contribution to the Company, and the impact on the Company if such individual would
depart from employment with the Company; |
the level of total compensation for the Companys other senior executives; and |
as described below, pay information from other companies and in some cases,
published surveys and other public salary disclosures as a general market reference. |
In the event that the CEOs compensation decision with respect to another executive officer
involves a decision to grant stock options, any such grant must be approved by the Option
Use of Compensation Survey Data
In making compensation decisions, the Company may from time to time consider and compare the
form and level of compensation disclosed by other companies of similar size, industry or other
characteristics to get a general understanding of the compensation structures maintained by these
companies. In addition, the Company may periodically compare elements of total compensation against
survey data provided by outside compensation consultants, proxy data and industry-specific
published survey sources, which include data from the comparator companies as described below.
Given the Companys diversified and highly unique businesses, the history of innovations behind its
product offerings, and the global nature of its employee base and operations, the Company lacks any
pure peer companies against which it is able to benchmark. As a result, the Company believes that
external survey data cannot take the place of sound business judgment based on specific knowledge
of the Company and its executive leaders.
The Company competes with many larger companies for top executive-level talent. In addition,
the Company believes its executives should possess above-average competencies, skills and prior
experience and display above-average leadership skills as they discharge their responsibilities. As
such, the Company generally sets total cash compensation for executives at the 75th percentile of
the total cash compensation paid to similarly situated executives of the companies comprising the
peer group. Variations from this target may occur depending on the position being compared, the
experience level of the relevant individual and various market factors.
Mercer Human Resources Consulting (Mercer) was retained by management to assess the 2009
compensation levels of the Named Executive Officers relative to a comparator group of companies.
The Company also uses the Mercer Benchmark Database (Executive Module) as well as proxy data to
review the actual compensation level of the Named Executive Officers.
Comparator Group
As the Company is a Canadian organization with primarily U.S. executives, two comparator
groups were developed to reflect the Canadian and the U.S. markets for competitive pay. These
groups are comprised of a mix of media and technology companies in order to reflect the Companys
need to develop innovative technologies. To ensure a comparison against organizations of a similar
size, these groups include only organizations with revenues of $1 billion or less. The Company
reviews the data from both competitive markets and generally targets the 75th percentile with
regards to total cash compensation. However, as some executive positions require unique
qualifications, particularly those involving expertise in the media, film and capital markets
industries, the Company must retain discretion when determining competitive compensation.
The comparator companies identified by Mercer and used to review 2009 compensation are:
U.S. Comparators
Dreamworks Animation SKG, Inc.
Dolby Laboratories Inc.
Carmike Cinemas, Inc.
CKx Inc.
TiVo Inc.
Entravision Communications Corporation
Reading International Inc.
OpenTV Corp.
Rentrak Corporation
4Kids Entertainment, Inc.
DTS, Inc.
Canadian Comparators
Open Text Corporation
Astral Media Inc.
Cineplex Galaxy Income Fund
Corus Entertainment Inc
TVA Group Inc.
Evertz Technologies Ltd.
COM DEV International Ltd.
Miranda Technologies Inc.
March Networks Corporation
DHX Media Ltd. |
Mercer concluded that the Company generally sets total cash compensation for executives
at the 75th percentile for the total cash compensation paid to similarly situated executives
comprising the comparator groups.
Employment and Change in Control Agreements
Currently, the Company has written employment agreements with each of its Named Executive
Officers, other than Larry OReilly, which are described in detail below in Employment Agreements
and Potential Payments upon Termination or Change of Control. The Company believes that these
agreements are critical to enable it to attract and retain talent, while still allowing the
Compensation Committee and/or the CEO sufficient discretion to determine overall compensation in a
given year. The employment agreements specify details of the approach to salary, bonus, equity
awards, and restrictive covenants surrounding executive officer employment, including
non-competition and non-solicitation provisions. Generally, the employment agreements are
established at the time of hire and are amended from time to time to extend or modify the terms of
employment, including to reflect a the promotion or other change in job responsibility or to
provide for additional equity awards and other items.
The employment agreements require that the Company make certain payments to the relevant Named
Executive Officers in event of a termination of employment for various reasons, including upon a
change of control. The provisions setting forth certain payments upon a change of control are
designed to promote stability and continuity of senior management in the event of a change of
control transaction. The Companys severance and change of control benefits were determined on the
basis of market practices in order to both provide this stability, as well as to provide a
competitive overall compensation package to the Named Executive Officers.
Executive Compensation Components
For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009, the principal components of compensation for
Named Executive Officers were:
long-term incentive compensation in the form of stock options; |
retirement and pension plans; and |
other personal benefits and perquisites. |
Annual Base Salary
The Company provides employees, including the Named Executive Officers, with a competitive
fixed annual base salary to compensate them for services rendered during the fiscal year and to
provide a base level of monthly income that is not subject to performance-related risk or
discretion. The base salary for each of our Named Executive Officers is specified in his employment
agreement or arrangement. In reviewing base salaries for the Named Executive Officers, the Company
primarily considers (i) the executives position and responsibilities; (ii) market data for
executives with similar responsibilities provided by the Companys outside consultant; (iii) the
executives individual performance; and (iv) other cash and non-cash components of the executives
total compensation. With certain exceptions, base salary ranges are generally intended to be
designed so that salary opportunities for a given position will generally be within 80% and 120% of
the midpoint of base salaries for comparable positions at the Comparator Group. Base salary levels
for Named Executive Officers are typically considered upon renewal of the Named Executive Officers
employment agreement or upon an amendment of the Named Executive Officers employment agreement in
connection with a promotion or other change in job responsibility. With respect to Larry OReilly,
base salary is reviewed annually as part of the Companys performance review process.
Performance-Based Incentive Compensation
The Company has no pre-established policy or target for the allocation between either cash and
non-cash or short-term and long-term incentive compensation. The Company annually determines the
appropriate level and mix of incentive compensation. Income from such incentive compensation is
realized as a result of the performance of the Company or the individual, depending on the type of
award, compared to established goals. Factors the Company considers in determining the appropriate
mix of incentive compensation for the Companys employees, including the Named Executive Officers,
include the ability to further corporate business objectives, particularly key strategic and
operational initiatives, management and budgetary responsibility and level of seniority.
Bonus Awards
Awards under the management bonus plan (the Management Bonus Plan) support the Companys
business objective of delivering positive annual strategic and operating results. As executives
move to greater levels of responsibility, the percentage of their compensation that is at risk and
that is based on performance increases.
In 2009, the Named Executive Officers, other than Mr. Gelfond received cash bonuses under the
Companys Management Bonus Plan. Awards under the Management Bonus Plan are made based on
achievement of corporate objectives and a qualitative evaluation of individual performance, and are
discretionary, other than certain bonus guarantees as described below in Employment Agreements and
Potential Payments upon Termination or Change-in-Control.
Bonuses are awarded under the Management Bonus Plan based on the performance, in a given year,
of the Company and of the participating employee. Generally, half of a participating Named
Executive Officers bonus will be based upon the Companys performance, while the remaining half is
based upon the personal performance of the Named Executive Officer. The Companys assessment of its
overall performance at year-end considers the achievement of corporate financial, strategic and
objectives including, but not limited to, income and revenue earned by the Company, theatre
signings and installations particularly under joint revenue sharing arrangements, film performance,
and technology development. The assessment of a Named Executive Officers personal performance
takes into account the achievement of certain personal objectives which are determined on an annual
basis by such Named Executive Officer in consultation with the CEO. Examples of personal objectives
include business targets, operating, strategic, budgetary and/or managerial goals.
The Company employs broad parameters rather than fixed formulas to assess both Company and
individual performances and to determine bonuses for the Named Executive Officers. While the
Company does set specific corporate and personal objectives at the beginning of a given year, these
objectives are not set quantitative targets but rather guidelines to be used in determining bonuses
at year-end. The Company is neither limited to considering pre-determined objectives in assessing
performance, nor is the failure or success of any such objectives dispositive with respect to the
final assessment of either Company or personal performance. Also, while employment agreements and
employment arrangements set forth target median and, in some cases, maximum bonuses, these targets
are discretionary guidelines. The Company retains the discretion (unless otherwise contractually
obligated) to grant no bonus, to grant bonuses below the median target or to grant bonuses that
exceed the maximum target, in each case, as circumstances warrant. The Company believes that, at
this time, a flexible annual bonus process is more appropriate and yields better results than
setting fixed quantitative targets in advance since a flexible process allows the Company to
consider (i) goals set by the Board of Directors and communicated to senior management at any point
during the year, and (ii) the effects of unanticipated events and circumstances on the Companys
business or on a particular executives performance.
In assessing Company performance for 2009, the Company recognized the strong progress achieved
towards the accomplishment of a number of the Companys major strategic and operating initiatives
in 2009, including:
the Companys highly successful recapitalization, including the reduction of total
debt from $180 million as of December 31, 2008 to $50 million as of December 31, 2009; |
the Companys return to profitability; |
the Companys exceeding its budget targets; |
the significant expansion of the IMAX® theatre network worldwide and, particularly,
the increase in the number of theatres operating under joint revenue sharing
arrangements; |
the Companys continued success in installing its digital projection systems; and |
the securing of an increasing number of prominent films from major Hollywood
studios for release to the IMAX network. |
In assessing individual performance for 2009, the Company recognized Mr. Sparacios efforts in
connection with the increasing stability of the Companys financial controls and in the Companys
recapitalization, Mr. Listers handling of the Companys equity offerings and other legal and
regulatory matters, and Mr. Fosters role in expanding the Companys relationship with Hollywood
film distributors. As a result of this assessment, each of Messrs. Sparacio, Lister and Foster
received bonuses greater than or equal to their maximum bonus targets.
The Compensation Committee is responsible for determining Mr. Gelfonds annual bonus based on
its qualitative assessment of Company performance. In awarding Mr. Gelfonds 2009 bonus, the
Compensation Committee recognized the Companys strong performance in 2009, in general, and, in
particular, the Companys successful recapitalization, its return to profitability and its
exceeding of budget targets, the significant expansion of the worldwide IMAX theatre network and
the Companys continued success in rolling out its digital projection systems and in the securing
of high-profile Hollywood films for release to IMAX theatres. As result of this assessment, Mr.
Gelfond received a bonus that equaled his maximum bonus target.
Sales Commission Plans
Where an employees position primarily involves responsibility for the Companys theatre
sales, lease and joint revenue sharing arrangement activities, the Company believes that it is
appropriate to tie a portion of his or her annual cash compensation to such revenue-generating
The Company maintains various sales commission plans (the Commission Plans) in which its
employees involved in theatre sales activities participate. These plans are designed to reward
employees where, through their efforts, the Company secures obligations under contracts with third
parties to build or retrofit, open and operate IMAX theatres. Typically, commissions payable under
the Commission Plans are based either on a percentage of the contract value or on a fixed amount
for each theatre opened. The commission is calculated based on several factors including the size
and nature of the contractual relationship entered into by the Company with the third party. Each
theatre transaction is examined at the time a binding agreement is entered into to determine which
of the specific Commission Plans would apply. Subsequent to the signing of a binding agreement, the
commissions payable under the completed transaction are calculated based on the applicable
Commission Plans. The calculation is reviewed and approved by appropriate Company personnel.
Mr. OReilly, who leads the Companys sales, theatre marketing and development activities, is
the only Named Executive Officer who participates in the Commission Plans.
Long-Term Incentive Compensation
The Companys long-term incentive compensation for certain employees, including the Named
Executive Officers, is provided through grants of stock options, and in certain circumstances in
prior years, through grants of stock appreciation rights (SARs). The Company believes that
long-term incentive awards are important in creating alignment between senior management and
shareholders and in preserving the continuity of executive leadership during important and
strategic times, such as the Companys introduction of digital projection technology and roll-out
of theatre systems under joint revenue sharing arrangements. The level of benefit received by the
Companys executive officers is dependent, to a large degree, on the Companys execution of its
strategy and on delivering significant and sustained growth. The Company believes that grants of
stock options with service based vesting conditions are appropriate vehicles for providing
forward-looking incentives and retention to the continuing members of management. Stock option
awards to Named Executive Officers may be granted as part of an annual grant to employees who
participate in the Companys stock option plan, as described below, or pursuant to individual
employment agreements. SARs were generally granted pursuant to individual employment agreements. No
SARs were granted in 2009 and the Company currently has no intention to issue additional SARs in
the future.
Stock Options
The Company maintains a stock option plan (the SOP) under which the Company may grant stock
options to officers, employees, consultants and eligible directors (the Participants) to purchase
Common Shares on terms and conditions set out in the SOP.
The SOP is administered by the Board of Directors which has delegated the responsibility of
administering the SOP to the Option Committee. The Option Committee is currently composed of
Messrs. Utay (Chairman) and Girvan, both of whom are Independent Directors. The Option Committee is
responsible for performing the functions required of it under the SOP, including the grant of stock
options to Participants under the SOP, subject to guidelines determined by the Companys human
resources department and the Compensation Committee.
In determining the number of stock options to grant to the Named Executive Officers, the
Company will from time to time consider and compare compensation disclosed by other companies of
similar size, industry or other characteristics to get a general understanding of the compensation
structures maintained by similarly situated companies. Moreover, the Company periodically compares
various elements of stock based compensation against survey data provided by outside consultants.
In addition, consideration is given to each Participants salary range and responsibility and the
number of stock options granted to the Companys other executive officers. The Option Committee
approves any stock option grant to a Named Executive Officer.
All awards of stock options are made at fair market value of the Companys Common Shares on
the date of grant. The fair market value of a Common Share on a given date means the higher of the
closing price of a Common Share on the grant date (or the most recent trading date if the grant
date is not a trading date) on the NASDAQ Global Market (NASDAQ), the Toronto Stock Exchange (the
TSX) and such national exchange, as may be designated by the Companys Board of Directors (the
Fair Market Value). Stock options are generally exercisable for a maximum period of 10 years from
the date of grant, subject to earlier termination if the Participants employment, consulting
arrangement or term of office with the Company terminates. The Board of Directors or the Option
Committee determines vesting requirements. If a Participants employment, consulting arrangement or
term of office with the Company terminates for any reason, stock options which have not vested are
generally cancelled, subject to certain exceptions as further described in Employment Agreements
and Potential Payments upon Termination or Change-in-Control below. The Company accounts for
stock-based payments to officers, employees and eligible directors in accordance with the
requirements of Financial Accounting Standards Board Accounting Standards Codification Topic 718
Compensation-Stock Compensation (previously SFAS 123R).
Eligible newly hired or promoted executives receive their award of stock options as soon as
practicable following their hire or promotion. With respect to the Companys Named Executive
Officers, stock option awards are generally granted as part of an annual grant to numerous
employees or in connection with employment agreement renewals.
All of the Named Executive Officers received stock option grants in connection with their
employment in 2009, although Messrs. Lister and Foster were the only Named Executive Officers to
receive such grants in the 2009 calendar year. In December 2009, Mr. Lister received a grant of
180,000 stock options in connection with the renewal of his employment agreement for an additional
three years. In March 2009, Mr. Foster received a grant of 18,398 stock options in lieu of $42,500
of his 2008 bonus. In March 2010, Messrs Sparacio and OReilly received option grants, in
connection with the annual option grants to senior management, of 60,000 and 25,000, respectively.
Stock Appreciation Rights
The Company has in prior years granted SARs to certain Named Executive Officers. The use of
SARs as a long-term incentive enabled the Company to preserve share capacity under the SOP while
continuing to align employee incentives with the performance of the Companys Common Shares and
shareholders interests. The SARs entitle recipients to receive cash from the Company for any
increase in the Fair Market Value of the Common Shares from the Fair Market Value on the date of
grant to the date of exercise of the SARs. The terms of SARs granted are described below in
Employment Agreements and Potential Payments upon Termination or
Change-in-Control. Factors the Company considered in deciding whether and how many SARs to
grant to Named Executive Officers included the relevant Executives role and responsibilities and
the financial and accounting impact of the SARs on the Company.
The Company has the right but not the obligation to cancel at any time all, or from time to
time any part, of the existing SARs and to replace the cancelled SARs with stock options, or at the
Companys discretion, restricted shares, in certain circumstances and subject to certain
No SARs were granted in 2009 and the Company currently has no intention to issue additional
SARs in the future.
Retirement and Pension Plans
The Company maintains an unfunded defined benefit pension plan, the Supplemental Executive
Retirement Plan (the SERP), covering Messrs. Gelfond and Wechsler. The SERP provides for a
lifetime retirement benefit from age 55 determined as 75% of the members best average 60
consecutive months of earnings (base salary and cash bonus) over his employment history.
Under the terms of the SERP, if Mr. Gelfonds employment terminates other than for cause prior
to August 1, 2010, he is entitled to receive SERP benefits in the form of monthly annuity payments
until the earlier of a change of control or August 1, 2010, at which time he is entitled to receive
remaining benefits in the form of a lump sum payment. If Mr. Gelfonds employment terminates other
than for cause on or after August 1, 2010, he is entitled to receive SERP benefits in the form of a
lump sum payment. SERP benefit payments to Mr. Gelfond are subject to a deferral for six months
after the termination of his employment, at which time Mr. Gelfond will be entitled to receive
interest on the deferred amount credited at the applicable federal rate for short-term obligations.
Mr. Gelfond has informed the Company that he does not currently intend to retire prior to the
expiration of his current employment agreement on December 31, 2010, and that his intention is to
enter into a new employment agreement with the Company on or before the expiration of his current
employment term, on terms to be negotiated between Mr. Gelfond and the Company.
Under the terms of the SERP, monthly annuity payments payable to Mr. Wechsler, whose
employment as Co-CEO terminated effective April 1, 2009, were deferred for six months and were paid
in the form of a lump sum plus interest on the deferred amount on October 1, 2009. Thereafter, in
accordance with the terms of the SERP, Mr. Wechsler is entitled to receive monthly annuity payments
until the earlier of a change of control or August 1, 2010, at which time he is entitled to receive
remaining benefits in the form of a lump sum payment.
On March 8, 2006, the Company and Messrs. Gelfond and Wechsler negotiated an amendment to the
SERP which reduced the related pension expense to the Company effective January 1, 2006. Under the
terms of the SERP amendment, to reduce ongoing costs to the Company, the cost of living adjustment
and surviving spouse benefits previously owed to Messrs. Gelfond and Wechsler are each reduced by
50%, subject to a recoupment of a percentage of such benefits upon a change of control of the
Company, and the net present value of the reduced pension benefit payments is accelerated and paid
out upon a change of control of the Company. The amendment resulted in reduction of the accrued
pension liability by $6.2 million, a reduction in other assets of $3.4 million and a past services
credit of $2.8 million. The benefits were 50% vested as at July 2000, the SERP initiation date. The
vesting percentage increases on a straight-line basis from inception until age 55. As at December
31, 2009, the benefits of Mr. Wechsler were 100% vested while the benefits of Mr. Gelfond were
approximately 95.9% vested. The benefits of Mr. Gelfond will become fully vested on July 10, 2010.
The vesting percentage of a member whose employment terminates other than by voluntary retirement
or upon a change in control shall be 100%. Upon a termination for cause, prior to a change of
control, the executive shall forfeit any and all benefits to which such executive may have been
entitled, whether or not vested.
On May 4, 2007, the Company amended the SERP to provide for the determination of benefits to
be 75% of the members best average 60 consecutive months of earnings over the members employment
history from 75% of the members best average 60 consecutive months of earnings over the past 120
months. The actuarial liability was remeasured to reflect this amendment. The amendment resulted in
a $1.0 million increase to the pension liability and a corresponding $1.0 million charge to other
comprehensive income.
Primarily as a result of a decrease in interest rates used in calculating the present value of
accumulated benefits, the actuarial present value of Mr. Gelfonds accumulated benefit under the
SERP as at December 31, 2009 increased by $3,400,151, as compared to December 31, 2008 as indicated
below in the Summary Compensation Table.
At the time the Company established the SERP, it also took out life insurance policies on
Messrs. Gelfond and Wechsler with coverage amounts of $21.5 million in aggregate. The Company may
use the proceeds of life insurance policies taken on Messrs. Gelfond and Wechsler to be applied
towards the benefits due and payable under the SERP, although there can be no assurance that the
Company will ultimately do so. The Company has agreed to reimburse Mr. Gelfond for the premiums
related to a term life insurance policy that became effective in January 2010. The Company has
reimbursed Mr. Gelfond for $43,025 in annual premiums (net of withholding taxes). This annual
reimbursement will continue until such time as Mr. Gelfond receives his lump sum payment under the
terms of the SERP.
The Company also maintains an unfunded post retirement benefit plan covering Messrs. Gelfond
and Wechsler. The plan provides that the Company will maintain retiree health benefits for Messrs.
Gelfond and Wechsler, until they become eligible for Medicare and,
thereafter, the Company will provide Medicare supplemental coverage as selected by each. Each
of Messrs. Gelfond and Wechsler are fully vested in this plan.
The Company maintains defined contribution pension plans for all of its employees. Each of the
Named Executive Officers participates in one of these plans under the same terms as other
employees. The Company makes contributions to these pension plans on behalf of employees in an
amount up to 5% of their base salary, subject to certain prescribed maximums. During the fiscal
year ended December 31, 2009, the Company contributed an aggregate of $11,550 to the Companys
Canadian defined contribution plan on behalf of Mr. OReilly and an aggregate of $20,092 to the
Companys U.S. defined contribution employee pension plan under Section 401(k) of the U.S. Internal
Revenue Code on behalf of Messrs. Gelfond, Wechsler, Sparacio, Foster and Lister.
Other Personal Benefits and Perquisites
The Company provides employees, including the Named Executive Officers, with other personal
benefits and perquisites that the Company believes are reasonable and consistent with its overall
compensation program to better enable the Company to attract and retain superior employees for key
positions. The Company periodically reviews the levels of other personal benefits and perquisites
provided to the Named Executive Officers to ensure competitiveness and value to employees.
The Named Executive Officers are provided either with use of Company automobiles or with car
Each Named Executive Officers is entitled to receive a cash payment upon such executives
death through the Companys life insurance policies. In the event of the executives death prior to
actual retirement at age 65, the executives designated beneficiaries would be entitled to receive
a lump sum payment amount equal to two times his base salary, subject to prescribed maximums. The
Company pays the premiums associated with a $5 million term life insurance policy for Mr. Foster.
Attributed costs to the Company of the personal benefits and perquisites described above for
the Named Executive Officers for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009, are reported below in the
All Other Compensation column of the Summary Compensation Table.
Tax and Accounting Considerations
To the extent that any compensation paid to the Named Executive Officers constitutes a
deferral of compensation within the meaning of Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code, the
Company intends to cause the compensation to comply with the requirements of Section 409A and to
avoid the imposition of penalty taxes and interest upon the participant receiving the award.
The Company also takes accounting considerations, including the impact of Financial Accounting
Standards Board Accounting Standards Codification Topic 718 Compensation-Stock Compensation
(previously SFAS 123R) into account in structuring compensation programs and determining the form
and amount of compensation awarded.
The table below sets forth the compensation earned by the Named Executive Officers during
the registrants last three completed fiscal years.
Change in |
Option/SARs |
Pension |
All Other |
Name and Principal Position of |
Year ended |
Salary |
Bonus |
Awards (1) |
Value |
Compensation |
Total |
Named Executive Officer |
December 31 |
($) |
($) |
($) |
($) |
($) |
($) |
Richard L. Gelfond |
2009 |
500,000 |
1,000,000 |
n/a |
3,400,151 |
(2) |
33,171 |
(3) |
4,933,322 |
Chief Executive Officer |
2008 |
500,000 |
200,000 |
725,000 |
(4) |
24,550 |
1,449,550 |
2007 |
500,000 |
375,000 |
2,310,000 |
1,244,650 |
25,339 |
4,454,989 |
Bradley J. Wechsler (5) |
2009 |
119,231 |
Nil |
n/a |
(6) |
184,358 |
(7) |
303,589 |
Chairman of the Board |
2008 |
500,000 |
200,000 |
n/a |
(8) |
29,089 |
729,089 |
2007 |
500,000 |
375,000 |
2,310,000 |
26,349 |
28,432 |
3,239,781 |
Joseph Sparacio |
2009 |
350,000 |
162,313 |
(9) |
n/a |
n/a |
18,474 |
(10) |
530,787 |
Executive Vice President & CFO |
2008 |
350,000 |
91,875 |
57,750 |
n/a |
18,453 |
518,078 |
2007 |
215,385 |
125,000 |
165,750 |
n/a |
n/a |
506,135 |
Robert D. Lister |
2009 |
442,497 |
205,208 |
(9) |
1,398,600 |
(11) |
n/a |
31,492 |
(12) |
2,077,797 |
Senior Executive Vice President |
2008 |
442,497 |
125,000 |
n/a |
n/a |
20,324 |
587,821 |
& General Counsel |
2007 |
402,270 |
350,000 |
510,000 |
n/a |
151,059 |
1,413,329 |
Greg Foster |
2009 |
700,000 |
700,000 |
42,500 |
(13) |
n/a |
15,126 |
(14) |
1,457,626 |
Chairman & President, |
2008 |
700,000 |
382,500 |
n/a |
n/a |
12,971 |
1,095,471 |
Filmed Entertainment |
2007 |
700,000 |
375,000 |
858,000 |
n/a |
209,161 |
2,142,161 |
Larry OReilly (15) |
2009 |
870,592 |
(16) |
30,000 |
(9) |
n/a |
n/a |
24,726 |
(17) |
925,318 |
Executive Vice President, |
2008 |
739,293 |
35,000 |
41,250 |
n/a |
28,245 |
843,788 |
Theatre Development |
(1) |
As required by SEC rules, the Option/SARs Awards columns in this Summary Compensation
Table reflect the aggregate grant date fair values computed in accordance with Financial
Accounting Standards Board Accounting Standards Codification Topic 718 (with no reductions for
expected forfeitures), for stock |
options granted during the specified fiscal year. See note 15(c) to the audited consolidated financial statements in Item 8
of the Companys Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009 for the assumptions used to
calculate the fair value of the stock options. Whether, and to what extent, a Named Executive Officer realizes value with
respect to stock option awards will depend on our actual operating performance, stock price fluctuations and the Named
Executive Officers continued employment. |
(2) |
The Companys SERP is an unfunded defined benefit pension plan covering Messrs. Gelfond and
Wechsler which provides for a lifetime retirement benefit from age 55, determined as 75% of
the members best average 60 consecutive months of earnings over the members employment
history. Primarily as a result of a decrease in interest rates used in calculating the present
value of accumulated benefits, the actuarial present value of Mr. Gelfonds accumulated
benefit under the SERP as at December 31, 2009 increased by $3,400,151, as compared to
December 31, 2008. Approximately $2.2 million of the increase was attributable to the decrease
in interest rates used in the net present value calculation. The remainder of the increase is
attributable to a $0.6 million increase resulting from an additional year of benefit accrual
and $0.6 million increase resulting from accrued interest. See note 22(a) to the audited
consolidated financial statements in Item 8 of the Companys Annual Report on Form 10-K for
the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009 for more information related to this calculation. Mr.
Gelfonds accumulated benefit under the SERP becomes payable only upon Mr. Gelfonds
retirement or resignation, the termination of Mr. Gelfond without cause or a change of control
of the Company. See Compensation Discussion and Analysis Retirement and Pension Plans.
The accumulated benefit under the SERP will ultimately be recalculated as of the date of the
relevant termination event at which point assumptions such as the lump sum discount rates will
be known and fixed under the SERP and the SERP benefit will become payable. Mr. Gelfond has
informed the Company that he does not currently intend to retire prior to the expiration of
his current employment agreement on December 31, 2010, and that his intention is to enter into
a new employment agreement with the Company on or before the expiration of his current
employment term, on terms to be negotiated between Mr. Gelfond and the Company. |
(3) |
This amount reflects (i) $360 for the payment by the Company of life insurance premiums on
the life of Mr. Gelfond, (ii) $3,461 for contributions to the Companys defined contribution
pension plans, and (iii) $29,350 for personal use of a Company provided automobile. The
expenses attributable to Mr. Gelfonds personal use of a Company vehicle include the portion,
as determined as a percentage of the total use of the vehicle, of (i) the vehicle lease cost
and (ii) expenses such as vehicle repairs and maintenance costs. |
(4) |
The actuarial present value of Mr. Gelfonds accumulated benefit under the SERP at December
31, 2008 decreased by $621,430, as compared to December 31, 2007, primarily due to an increase
in the lump sum discount rate and a change in marital status. The decrease is partially offset
by an increase in the vesting percentage from 87% to 92% and by having one fewer year of
interest discount. |
(5) |
Mr. Wechsler served as Co-CEO until March 31, 2009. |
(6) |
The Companys SERP is an unfunded defined benefit pension plan covering Messrs. Gelfond and
Wechsler which provides for a lifetime retirement benefit from age 55, determined as 75% of
the members best average 60 consecutive months of earnings over the members employment
history. The actuarial present value of Mr. Wechslers accumulated benefit under the SERP at
December 31, 2009 decreased by $181,699, as compared to December 31, 2008, primarily due to a
decrease due to the initiation of benefit payments during 2009 triggered by Mr. Wechslers
retirement on March 31, 2009, offset by an increase in the year of $712,645 due to a drop in
discount rates applied and an increase in value during the year due to interest. See note
22(a) to the audited consolidated financial statements in Item 8 of the Companys Annual
Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009. |
(7) |
This amount reflects (i) $150,000 for the payments in connection with Mr. Wechslers Services
Agreement, as described below in Employment Agreements and Potential Payments upon
Termination or Change-in-Control; (ii) $90 for the payment by the Company of life insurance
premiums on the life of Mr. Wechsler, (iii) $1,923 for contributions to the Companys defined
contribution pension plans, and (iv) $32,345 for personal use of a Company provided
automobile. The expenses attributable to Mr. Wechslers personal use of a Company vehicle
include the portion, as determined as a percentage of the total use of the vehicle, of (i) the
vehicle lease cost and (ii) expenses such as vehicle repairs and maintenance costs. |
(8) |
The actuarial present value of Mr. Wechslers accumulated benefit under the SERP at December
31, 2008 decreased by $934,436, as compared to December 21, 2007, primarily due to an increase
in the lump sum discount rate and the loss of 2008 payments that were reflected in the prior
year figure. Partially offsetting the decrease, there is an increase in value from January 1,
2008 to January 1, 2009 for the remaining payments due to having one less year of interest
discounting. |
(9) |
This amount was paid under the Management Bonus Plan, as described above in
Performance-Based Incentive Compensation Bonus Awards. |
(10) |
This amount reflects (i) $360 for the payment by the Company of life insurance premiums on
the life of Mr. Sparacio, (ii) $4,900 for contributions to the Companys defined contribution
pension plans, and (iii) $13,214 for allowance for personal automobile use. The expenses
attributable to Mr. Sparacios personal automobile use include the portion (as determined as a
percentage of the total use of the vehicle) of (i) a car allowance and (ii) expenses such as
vehicle repairs and maintenance costs. |
(11) |
This amount reflects the grant date fair value computed in accordance with Financial
Accounting Standards Board Accounting Standards Codification Topic 718 (with no reductions for
expected forfeitures) for 180,000 stock options granted on December 31, 2009. The stock
options vest in five installments: 18,000 on December 31, 2010; 27,000 on December 31, 2011;
36,000 on December 31, 2012; 45,000 on December 31, 2013 and 54,000 on December 31, 2014. The
stock options expire on December 31, 2016. |
(12) |
This amount reflects (i) $360 for the payment by the Company of life insurance premiums on
the life of Mr. Lister, (ii) $4,900 for contributions to the Companys defined contribution
pension plans, and (iii) $26,232 for personal use of a Company provided automobile. The
expenses attributable to Mr. Listers personal use of a Company vehicle include the portion,
as determined as a percentage of the total use of the vehicle, of (i) the vehicle lease cost
and car allowance and (ii) expenses such as vehicle repairs and maintenance costs. |
(13) |
This amount reflects the grant date fair value computed in accordance with Financial
Accounting Standards Board Accounting Standards Codification Topic 718 for 18,398
stock options granted on March 13, 2009. The stock options were granted to Mr. Foster in
consideration of $42,500 of his bonus earned with respect to the fiscal year ended December
31, 2008. The stock options vested immediately and expire on March 13, 2016. |
(14) |
This amount reflects (i) $3,160 for the payment by the Company of life insurance premiums on
the life of Mr. Foster, (ii) $4,900 for contributions to the Companys defined contribution
pension plans, and (iii) $7,066 for allowance for personal automobile use. The expenses
attributable to Mr. Fosters personal automobile use include the portion, as determined as a
percentage of the total use of the vehicle, of (i) a car allowance and (ii) expenses such as
vehicle repairs and maintenance costs. |
(15) |
Mr. OReillys bonus and commissions were earned in U.S. dollars. Other compensation was
earned in Canadian dollars. The Canadian compensation values have been converted to and
reported in U.S. dollars using the Bank of Canada noon rate for the last day of the month
preceding an actual payment date. |
(16) |
This amount reflects (i) base pay in the amount of $230,993, and (ii) commissions in the
amount of $639,599. |
(17) |
This amount reflects (i) $745 for the payment by the Company of life insurance premiums on
the life of Mr. OReilly, (ii) $11,550 for contributions to the Companys defined contribution
pension plans, and (iii) $12,431 for allowance for personal automobile use. The expenses
attributable to Mr. OReillys personal automobile use include the portion, as determined as a
percentage of the total use of the vehicle, of (i) a car allowance and (ii) expenses such as
vehicle repairs and maintenance costs. |
The material terms of the Named Executive Officers employment agreements are described
below in Employment Agreements and Potential Payments upon Termination or Change-in-Control.
The following table sets forth information relating to grants of stock options made to
Named Executive Officers during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009 under any plan, including
awards that subsequently have been transferred. No SARs were granted to Named Executive Officers
during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009.
All Other Option Awards: |
Exercise or |
Grant Date |
Number of Securities |
Base Price of |
Fair Value of |
Name and Principal Position of |
Underlying Options |
Option Awards |
Option Awards |
Named Executive Officer |
Grant Date |
(#) |
($/Sh) (1) |
($)(2) |
Richard L. Gelfond |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Chief Executive Officer |
Bradley J. Wechsler (3) |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Chairman of the Board |
Joseph Sparacio |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Executive Vice President & CFO |
Robert D. Lister |
December 31, 2009 |
180,000 |
(4)(5) |
13.38 |
1,398,600 |
Senior Executive Vice President & General Counsel |
Greg Foster |
March 13, 2009 |
18,398 |
(4)(6) |
4.40 |
42,500 |
Chairman & President, Filmed Entertainment |
Larry OReilly |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Executive Vice President, Theatre Development |
(1) |
Stock options are not priced below the NASDAQ closing market price. Pursuant to the
Companys SOP, which governs the pricing of stock options, the exercise price of an option may
not be less than 100% of the Fair Market Value of a Common Share on the date of grant. Fair
Market Value of a Common Share on a given date refers to the higher of the closing price of a
Common Share on such date (or the most recent trading date if such date is not a trading date)
on NASDAQ or the TSX. |
(2) |
This amount represents the aggregate grant date fair values computed in accordance with
Financial Accounting Standards Board Accounting Standards Codification Topic 718 (with no
reductions for expected forfeitures). See note 15(c) to the audited consolidated financial
statements in Item 8 of the Companys Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
December 31, 2009 for the assumptions used to calculate the fair value of the stock options.
Whether, and to what extent, a Named Executive Officer realizes value with respect to stock
option awards will depend on our actual operating performance, stock price fluctuations and
the Named Executive Officers continued employment |
(3) |
Mr. Wechsler served as Co-CEO until March 31, 2009. |
(4) |
Each option entitles the Named Executive Officer to purchase one Common Share. |
(5) |
The stock options were granted pursuant to Mr. Listers employment agreement, as described
below in Employment Agreements and Potential Payments upon Termination or Change-in-Control.
The stock options become exercisable in five installments of 18,000 on December 31, 2010,
27,000 on December 31, 2011, 36,000 on December 31, 2012, 45,000 on December 31, 2013, and
54,000 on December 31, 2014. The stock options expire on December 31, 2016. |
(6) |
The stock options were granted to Mr. Foster in consideration of $42,500 of his bonus earned
with respect to the fiscal year ended December 31, 2008. The stock options vested immediately
and expire on March 13, 2016. |
The material terms of the Named Executive Officers employment agreements are described
below in Employment Agreements and Potential Payments upon Termination or Change-in-Control.
The following table sets forth information relating to unexercised equity awards for each
Named Executive Officer outstanding as of December 31, 2009.
Option/SARs/Stock Awards |
Number of Securities |
Number of Securities |
Underlying |
Underlying |
Unexercised |
Unexercised |
Options/SARs/Stock |
Options/SARs/Stock |
Option/SARs Exercise |
Option/SARs |
Name and Principal Position of |
(#) |
(#) |
Price |
Expiration |
Named Executive Officer |
Exercisable |
Unexercisable |
($) |
Date |
Richard L. Gelfond |
532,000 |
(1) |
Nil |
4.85 |
April 23, 2012 |
Chief Executive Officer |
68,000 |
(1) |
Nil |
7.00 |
June 5, 2012 |
450,000 |
(1) |
Nil |
5.24 |
June 3, 2014 |
170,000 |
(1) |
300,000 |
(1)(2) |
2.88 |
December 11, 2018 |
170,000 |
(3) |
Nil |
4.34 |
February 15, 2017 |
600,000 |
(3) |
Nil |
6.86 |
December 31, 2017 |
80,000 |
(4) |
Nil |
Nil |
No expiry |
Bradley J. Wechsler (5) |
532,000 |
(1) |
Nil |
4.85 |
April 23, 2012 |
Chairman of the Board |
68,000 |
(1) |
Nil |
7.00 |
June 5, 2012 |
450,000 |
(1) |
Nil |
5.24 |
June 3, 2014 |
160,000 |
(3) |
Nil |
4.34 |
February 15, 2017 |
600,000 |
(3) |
Nil |
6.86 |
December 31, 2017 |
80,000 |
(4) |
Nil |
Nil |
No expiry |
Joseph Sparacio |
18,750 |
(1) |
56,250 |
(1)(6) |
4.16 |
June 13, 2014 |
Executive Vice President & CFO |
3,500 |
(1) |
31,500 |
(1)(7) |
2.87 |
December 16, 2015 |
Robert D. Lister |
51,250 |
(1) |
Nil |
7.45 |
August 14, 2010 |
Senior Executive Vice President |
Nil |
180,000 |
(1)(8) |
13.38 |
December 31, 2016 |
& General Counsel |
135,000 |
(3) |
45,000 |
(3)(9) |
6.86 |
December 31, 2017 |
Greg Foster |
17,500 |
(1) |
Nil |
3.41 |
March 19, 2011 |
Chairman & President, |
50,000 |
(1) |
Nil |
4.60 |
March 18, 2010 |
Filmed Entertainment |
150,000 |
(1) |
Nil |
6.89 |
November 1, 2011 |
18,398 |
(1) |
Nil |
4.40 |
March 16, 2016 |
150,000 |
(3) |
150,000 |
(3)(10) |
6.86 |
December 31, 2017 |
Larry OReilly |
6,000 |
(1) |
30,000 |
(1)(11) |
6.86 |
December 31, 2014 |
Executive Vice President, |
2,500 |
(1) |
22,500 |
(1)(12) |
2.87 |
December 16, 2015 |
Theatre Development |
(1) |
Stock options outstanding as of December 31, 2009. |
(2) |
The stock options become exercisable in three equal installments of 100,000 on each of
January 1, 2010, May 1, 2010, and September 1, 2010. |
(3) |
SARs outstanding as of December 31, 2009. |
(4) |
Stock awards outstanding as of December 31, 2009. The Company is required to issue either
80,000 restricted Common Shares for no consideration or pay their cash equivalent upon request
by the Named Executive Officer at any time. |
(5) |
Mr. Wechsler served as Co-CEO until March 31, 2009. |
(6) |
15,000 of the stock options vest on May 14, 2010, 18,750 on May 14, 2011, and 22,500 on May
14, 2012. |
(7) |
5,250 of the stock options vest on December 16, 2010, 7,000 on December 16, 2011, 8,750 on
December 16, 2012, and 10,500 on December 16, 2013. |
(8) |
18,000 of the stock options vest on December 31, 2010, 27,000 on December 31, 2011, 36,000 on
December 31, 2012, and 45,000 on December 31, 2013 and 54,000 on December 31, 2014. |
(9) |
12,000 of the SARs vest on December 31, 2010, 15,000 on December 31, 2011, and 18,000 on
December 31, 2012. |
(10) |
The SARs vest on July 1, 2010. |
(11) |
8,000 of the stock options vest on December 31, 2010, 10,000 on December 31, 2011, and 12,000
on December 31, 2012. |
(12) |
3,750 of the stock options vest on December 16, 2010, 5,000 on December 16, 2011, 6,250 on
December 16, 2012, and 7,500 on December 16, 2013. |
All stock options in the Outstanding Equity Awards table were granted under the SOP as
described above in Compensation Discussion and Analysis Long-Term Incentive Compensation.
All SARs in the Outstanding Equity Awards table were granted under the Named Executive
Officers individual employment agreements or other agreements as described below in Employment
Agreements and Potential Payments upon Termination or Change-in-Control.
The following table sets forth information relating to the exercise of stock options
during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009 for each of the Named Executive Officers on an
aggregated basis.
Option Awards |
Number of Shares |
Value |
Name and Principal Position of |
Acquired on Exercise |
Realized on Exercise |
Named Executive Officer |
(#) |
($) |
Richard L. Gelfond |
130,000 |
(1) |
406,945 |
Chief Executive Officer |
Bradley J. Wechsler (2) |
100,000 |
(1) |
118,782 |
Chairman of the Board |
Joseph Sparacio |
Nil |
Nil |
Executive Vice President & CFO |
Robert D. Lister |
70,000 |
(3) |
465,263 |
Executive Vice President & General Counsel |
Greg Foster |
125,000 |
(4) |
442,592 |
Chairman & President, Filmed Entertainment |
Larry OReilly |
39,000 |
245,154 |
Vice President, Theatre Development |
(1) |
100,000 of the Common Shares were acquired pursuant to the exercise of stock options that
had an expiration date of February 28, 2009. |
(2) |
Mr. Wechsler served as Co-CEO until March 31, 2009. |
(3) |
15,000 of the Common Shares were acquired pursuant to the exercise of stock options that had
an expiration date of August 15, 2009. |
(4) |
25,000 of the Common Shares were acquired pursuant to the exercise of stock options that had
an expiration date of March 19, 2009. 100,000 of the Common Shares were acquired pursuant to
the exercise of stock options that had an expiration date of September 6, 2009. |
The following table sets forth information relating to the exercise of SARs during the
fiscal year ended December 31, 2009 for each of the Named Executive Officers on an aggregated
SARs Awards |
Number of Shares |
Value |
Name and Principal Position of |
Acquired on Exercise |
Realized on Exercise |
Named Executive Officer |
(#) |
($) |
Richard L. Gelfond |
130,000 |
875,800 |
Chief Executive Officer |
Bradley J. Wechsler (1) |
140,000 |
960,400 |
Chairman of the Board |
Joseph Sparacio |
n/a |
n/a |
Executive Vice President & CFO |
Robert D. Lister |
Nil |
n/a |
Senior Executive Vice President & General Counsel |
Greg Foster |
Nil |
n/a |
Chairman & President, Filmed Entertainment |
Larry OReilly |
n/a |
n/a |
Executive Vice President, Theatre Development |
(1) |
Mr. Wechsler served as Co-CEO until March 31, 2009. |
The following table sets forth information relating to each defined benefit pension plan
that provides for payments or other benefits at, following, or in connection with retirement, as of
December 31, 2009.
Number of |
Present Value of |
Years of |
Accumulated |
Payments During |
Name and Principal Position of |
Credited Service |
Benefits |
Last Fiscal Year |
Named Executive Officer |
Plan Name |
(#) |
($)(1) |
($) |
Richard L. Gelfond |
Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan |
8.5 |
14,890,717 |
Nil |
Chief Executive Officer |
Post Retirement Medical Benefits |
239,000 |
Nil |
Bradley J. Wechsler (2) |
Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan |
7.75 |
15,065,696 |
894,344 |
Chairman of the Board |
Post Retirement Medical Benefits |
217,000 |
5,240 |
(1) |
See note 22(a) to the audited consolidated financial statements in Item 8 of the Companys
Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009 for certain assumptions
used to calculate the present value of accumulated benefits. |
(2) |
Mr. Wechsler served as Co-CEO until March 31, 2009, at which date he retired. |
The Companys SERP is an unfunded defined benefit pension plan covering Richard L.
Gelfond, CEO of the Company, and Bradley J. Wechsler, Chairman of the Companys Board of Directors,
which was established in 2000. The SERP provides for a lifetime retirement benefit from age 55
determined as 75% of the members best average 60 consecutive months of earnings over the members
employment history. The benefits were 50% vested as at July 2000, the SERP initiation date. The
vesting percentage increases on a straight-line basis from inception until age 55. As at December
31, 2009, the benefits of Mr. Wechsler were 100% vested while the benefits of Mr. Gelfond were
approximately 95.9% vested. The benefits of Mr. Gelfond will become fully vested on July 10, 2010.
Under the terms of the SERP, monthly annuity payments payable to Mr. Wechsler, whose
employment as Co-CEO terminated effective April 1, 2009, were deferred for six months and were paid
in the form of a lump sum, which included interest on the deferred amount, on October 1, 2009.
Thereafter, in accordance with the terms of the SERP, Mr. Wechsler is entitled to receive monthly
annuity payments until the earlier of a change of control or August 1, 2010, at which time he is
entitled to receive remaining benefits in the form of a lump sum payment.
The Company has an unfunded post retirement benefit plan covering Messrs. Gelfond and
Wechsler. The plan provides that the Company will maintain retiree health benefits for Messrs.
Gelfond and Wechsler until they become eligible for Medicare and, thereafter, the Company will
provide Medicare supplemental coverage as selected each.
Further descriptions of the SERP, the post retirement medical benefits and the Companys
defined contribution plans are summarized above in Compensation Discussion and Analysis
Retirement and Pension Plans.
The Company has entered into written employment agreements with each of the Named
Executive Officers, other than Larry OReilly, which require the Company to make payments to the
Named Executive Officers in the event of the termination of their employment in various
circumstances as further described below.
In addition to such contractual rights, each of the Named Executive Officers holds stock
options granted to him under the SOP. Under the terms of the SOP, if a Participants employment,
consulting arrangement or term of office is terminated without cause or by reason of the
Participants resignation, death or permanent disability, (i) unvested stock options will be
cancelled, and (ii) the Participant (or the Participants estate) will generally be entitled to
exercise the Participants vested stock options for a period of thirty days, or such longer period
as the Board of Directors or Option Committee determines, following the date of termination of
employment. If the Participants employment, consulting arrangement or term of office is terminated
for cause, the Participants vested and unvested stock options will be cancelled. All stock options
granted immediately vest and become fully exercisable upon the occurrence of both a change of
control and either (i) the Participants termination without cause, (ii) the diminution of the
Participants title or responsibilities or (iii) the Participant being asked to relocate more than
twenty-five miles from his existing office. If the Participant is a party to an employment
agreement with the Company or any of its subsidiaries and breaches any of the restrictive covenants
in such agreement, the Participants unexercised options will be cancelled. In certain cases, a
Named Executive Officers option grant is controlled by the terms of his employment agreement,
which overrides the terms of the SOP. Any such departure from the terms of the SOP is noted below.
Messrs. Gelfond, Wechsler, Foster and Lister also hold SARs granted to them under the terms of
their respective employment agreements. To the extent applicable, the SARs are governed by the
terms of the SOP, including the provisions relating to the calculation of the Fair Market Value of
the Common Shares and resignation or termination. The terms of vesting and acceleration of the SARs
upon a change of control are set forth below in each individuals respective employment agreement.
A portion of the analysis below sets forth the amount of compensation that would become
payable to each of the Named Executive Officers under existing arrangements if the hypothetical
termination of employment events described had occurred on December 31, 2009. The Company cautions
that the actual amounts that would be paid upon a Named Executive Officers termination of
employment can be determined only at the time of such individuals separation from the Company.
Mr. Gelfond
Chief Executive Officer and Director
On November 3, 1998, the Company entered into a renewal agreement, as subsequently amended,
the (the Agreement) with Mr. Gelfond. The current term of Mr. Gelfonds employment ends December
31, 2010. Under the Agreement, Mr. Gelfond received a base salary of $500,000 for the year ended
December 31, 2009 and is entitled to receive a base salary of $600,000 for the year ended December
31, 2010. For 2009 and 2010, Mr. Gelfond is eligible to receive a bonus of up to two times his base
salary, with a median target bonus of one times salary. The bonus is granted at the discretion of
the Board of Directors and is based upon the success of the Company in achieving certain goals and
objectives. In addition, the Agreement contains (i) a customary non-competition provision that
extends for the term of the Agreement and for four years thereafter and (ii) a provision requiring
Mr. Gelfond to provide the Company with consulting services for a period of three years after the
termination of his employment.
Pursuant to the terms of the Agreement, Mr. Gelfond has received several grants of options and
SARs, and a grant of restricted shares. Mr. Gelfonds equity awards outstanding as of December 31,
2009, and their respective exercise prices and expiration dates
are set forth above in Outstanding Equity Awards. Mr. Gelfonds options are governed by the
terms of the SOP, which is described above in Compensation Discussion and Analysis Long-Term
Incentive Compensation Stock Options. Mr. Gelfonds SARs are also governed by the terms of the
SOP, except that with respect to the vesting of the SARs upon a change of control, the Agreement
provides that the vesting of Mr. Gelfonds SARs accelerates upon a change of control of the Company
(without regard to whether a termination event has occurred). The Company has the right, but not
the obligation, to cancel at any time all or, from time to time, any portion, of the SARs and to
replace the cancelled SARs with options or, at the Companys discretion with respect to certain of
the SARs, restricted shares under certain circumstances and subject to certain restrictions. In
addition to options and SARs, Mr. Gelfond has outstanding 80,000 restricted shares which, in the
event that regulatory or shareholder approval is not obtained, are deemed phantom stock.
As provided for in the Agreement, the Company has created a defined benefit plan, the SERP, to
provide benefits for Mr. Gelfond upon his retirement or resignation, see Compensation Discussion
and Analysis Retirement and Pension Plans above for a description of the SERP. The Company has
also agreed to maintain retiree health benefits for Mr. Gelfond until he becomes eligible for
Medicare and, thereafter, to provide Medicare supplemental coverage selected by Mr. Gelfond.
Voluntary retirement or resignation
If Mr. Gelfond voluntarily retires or resigns prior to the end of his employment term, all
unvested options and SARs are cancelled immediately and all vested options remain exercisable for
the duration of their original term. In addition, all vested SARs remain exercisable by Mr. Gelfond
for one year after his retirement or resignation. Mr. Gelfond would be entitled to receive SERP
benefits in the form of monthly annuity payments until the earlier of a change of control of the
Company or August 1, 2010, at which time he would receive the remaining benefits in the form of a
lump sum payment.
If Mr. Gelfond had resigned or elected voluntary retirement as of December 31, 2009, he would
have been entitled to an estimated lump sum payment of $15,180,143. This amount includes payments
under the SERP and the estimated value of retiree health benefits.
Termination with cause
If Mr. Gelfonds employment is terminated with cause, unvested options and SARs are cancelled
immediately. All vested options must be exercised within 90 days of such termination and all vested
SARs must be exercised within 30 days of such termination, after which any unexercised options or
SARs are cancelled. In such case, Mr. Gelfond would not be entitled to any payments under the SERP,
nor would he receive any further compensation under the Agreement.
Termination without cause
If (i) his employment is terminated without cause prior to the end of his employment term, or
(ii) his agreement is not renewed, Mr. Gelfond is entitled to the pro-rata portion of his median
target bonus (100% of base salary) for the year of termination and the Company must continue to pay
him his annual salary and target bonus for 12 months following his termination. However, if Mr.
Gelfonds employment is terminated after the date on which he becomes fully vested under the SERP,
he will not be entitled to receive any cash compensation other than payments under the SERP. As of
December 31, 2009, Mr. Gelfond was not fully vested in the SERP.
In addition, if his employment is terminated without cause or in the event of a non renewal of
the Agreement, all unvested options shall immediately vest. Upon termination without cause, all
vested SARs remain exercisable for a period of three years. If Mr. Gelfonds employment is
terminated without cause, he will receive payments under the SERP as well as retiree health
If Mr. Gelfonds employment had been terminated without cause other than upon a change of
control as of December 31, 2009, he would have been entitled to receive an estimated payment of
$17,147,137. This amount includes lump sum payments for 2009 median target bonus, salary and bonus
continuation for 12 months, payments under the SERP and the estimated value of retiree health
benefits. Mr. Gelfond would also realize $3,129,000, representing the intrinsic value of his
accelerated, in-the-money options calculated using the December 31, 2009 closing price of the
Common Shares.
Change of Control
Payments upon a Change of Control
Upon a sale of the Company, Mr. Gelfond is entitled to receive a cash bonus (the Sale Bonus)
in an amount equal to the product of (a) 0.375% and (b) the amount by which the sale or liquidation
transaction imputes an equity value in excess of Cdn$150,000,000 to the Common Shares originally
issued by the Company (on a fully diluted basis but excluding the Common Shares issued upon the
conversion of the Class B convertible preferred shares of the Company formerly outstanding which
were converted into Common Shares on June 16, 1994 and the Common Shares issuable upon the exercise
of warrants owned by Messrs. Gelfond and Wechsler). As of December 31, 2009, the Sale Bonus was
estimated by the Company to be between $872,980 and $2,428,532, depending upon the equity
assumptions used in the relevant calculations.
In addition, following a change of control, Mr. Gelfond would receive a cash incentive bonus
(the Incentive Bonus) equal to the product of (a) 225,000 and (b) the difference between the
closing price of the Common Shares upon such change of control and the closing price of the Common
Shares on March 10, 2006. As of December 31, 2009, the Incentive Bonus would have been $594,000.
In the event of a change of control of the Company, Mr. Gelfonds unvested options and SARs
shall immediately vest. If a change of control occurred on December 31, 2009, Mr. Gelfond would
have been entitled to receive an estimated payment of $17,397,623. This amount includes payments
under the SERP, the estimated value of retiree health benefits and the Incentive Bonus. Mr. Gelfond
would also realize $3,129,000, representing the intrinsic value of his accelerated, in-the-money
options and he would receive payment of the Sale Bonus, in the amount estimated above.
If the change of control is by way of a stock-for-stock merger, Mr. Gelfonds options will
vest and be converted at the stock merger conversion ratio into options of the acquiring company
(if it is public) or a cash-out of the options (if the acquiring company is not public).
Payments upon a Involuntary Termination or Retirement following a Change of Control
Upon termination without cause after a change of control, all vested SARs remain exercisable
for a period of three years. In the event of a change of control of the Company and subsequent
termination (or constructive termination) of Mr. Gelfond, there would also be an acceleration
(without any discount to present value) of the cash component of Mr. Gelfonds compensation equal
to the number of years left remaining under the term of his Agreement times Mr. Gelfonds total
cash compensation (salary plus target bonus) for the full fiscal year preceding termination.
If there had been a change of control and Mr. Gelfonds employment had been terminated
involuntarily as of December 31, 2009, he would have been entitled to receive an estimated payment
of $18,897,623. This amount includes lump sum payments for 2009 median target bonus, salary and
bonus continuation, payments under the SERP, the estimated value of retiree health benefits and the
Incentive Bonus. Mr. Gelfond would also realize $3,129,000, representing the intrinsic value of his
accelerated, in-the-money options and SARs and he would receive payment of the Sale Bonus, in the
amounts estimated above.
If there had been a change of control and Mr. Gelfond had elected voluntary retirement as of
December 31, 2009, he would have been entitled to receive an estimated payment of $17,397,623. This
amount includes payments under the SERP, the estimated value of retiree health benefits and the
Incentive Bonus. Mr. Gelfond would also realize $3,129,000, representing the intrinsic value of his
accelerated, in-the-money options and he would receive payment of the Sale Bonus, in the amount
estimated above.
Mr. Wechsler
Chairman of the Board and Former Co-Chief Executive Officer
On December 11, 2008, the Company entered into a Services Agreement with Mr. Wechsler which
provides that, effective April 1, 2009, Mr. Wechslers employment as Co-CEO was terminated. The
services agreement further provides that: (i) Mr. Wechsler shall serve as Chairman of the Companys
Board of Directors effective April 1, 2009 through the termination of his services agreement; (ii)
Mr. Wechsler shall receive a fee of $200,000 for each year served as Chairman, subject to certain
conditions; and (iii) certain provisions of Mr. Wechslers employment agreement, including those
relating to options and other equity awards, shall continue to survive the termination of Mr.
Wechslers employment agreement. Mr. Wechsler remains subject to a customary non-competition
provision under his former employment agreement through March 31, 2013. The services agreement will
remain in effect through the earlier of (a) the date on which Mr. Wechsler is not re-elected to the
Board of Directors; and (b) April 1, 2011.
Pursuant to the terms of his prior employment agreement, Mr. Wechsler has received several
grants of options and SARs, and a grant of restricted shares. Mr. Wechslers equity awards
outstanding as of December 31, 2009, and their respective exercise prices and expiration dates are
set forth above in Outstanding Equity Awards. Mr. Wechslers options are governed by the terms of
the SOP, which is described above in Compensation Discussion and Analysis Long-Term Incentive
Compensation Stock Options. Mr. Wechslers SARs are also governed by the terms of the SOP,
except that with respect to the vesting of the SARS upon a change of control, the agreement
provides that the vesting of Mr. Wechslers SARs accelerates upon a change of control of the
Company (without regard to whether a termination event has occurred). The Company has the right,
but not the obligation, to cancel at any time all or, from time to time any portion, of the SARs
and to replace the cancelled SARs with options or, at the Companys discretion, restricted shares
under certain circumstances and subject to certain restrictions. In addition to options and SARs,
Mr. Wechsler has outstanding 80,000 restricted shares which, in the event that regulatory or
shareholder approval is not obtained, are deemed phantom stock.
As provided for pursuant to the terms of his prior employment agreement (and as carried over
by the terms of his services agreement), the Company created a defined benefit plan, the SERP, to
provide benefits for Mr. Wechsler upon his resignation as Co-CEO, see Compensation Discussion and
Analysis Retirement and Pension Plans above for a description of the SERP. Mr. Wechslers
benefits under the SERP are 100% vested. As a result of Mr. Wechslers resignation as Co-CEO as of
March 31, 2009, the Company paid benefits in the form of a lump sum payment of $894,344 to Mr.
Wechsler on October 1, 2009 in accordance with the terms of the SERP. Mr. Wechsler is further
entitled to receive monthly annuity payments until the earlier of a change of control or August 1,
2010, at which time he is entitled to receive the remaining benefits in the form of a lump sum
payment. The Company has also agreed to maintain retiree health benefits for Mr. Wechsler until he
becomes eligible for Medicare and, thereafter, to provide Medicare supplemental coverage selected
by Mr. Wechsler.
Voluntary retirement or resignation
If Mr. Wechsler voluntarily retires or resigns his position as Chairman of the Board prior to
the end of the term of his services agreement, all unvested options and SARs are cancelled
immediately and all vested options shall remain exercisable for the duration of their original
term. In addition, all vested SARs shall remain exercisable by Mr. Wechsler for one year after his
retirement or resignation. Mr. Wechsler would continue to receive payments under the SERP as well
as retiree health benefits.
If Mr. Wechsler voluntarily retired or resigned his position as Chairman of the Board as of
December 31, 2009, he would have been entitled to receive an estimated payment of $15,282,696. This
amount includes a lump sum payment under the SERP and the estimated value of retiree health
Termination with cause
If Mr. Wechslers appointment as Chairman of the Board is terminated with cause, unvested
options and SARs will be cancelled immediately. All vested options must be exercised within 90 days
of such termination and all vested SARs must be exercised within 30 days of such termination, after
which any unexercised options or SARs are cancelled. Mr. Wechsler is fully vested under the SERP
and he would continue to receive payments under the SERP as well as retiree health benefits.
If Mr. Wechslers appointment as Chairman of the Board had been terminated with cause as of
December 31, 2009, he would have been entitled to receive an estimated payment of $15,282,696. This
amount includes a lump sum payment under the SERP and the estimated value of retiree health
Termination without cause
If Mr. Wechslers appointment as Chairman of the Board is terminated without cause or in the
event of the non-renewal of his services agreement, all unvested options will vest immediately.
Upon termination without cause, all vested SARs will remain exercisable for a period of three
years. Mr. Wechsler will continue to receive payments under the SERP as well as retiree health
If Mr. Wechslers appointment as Chairman of the Board had been terminated without cause other
than upon a change of control as of December 31, 2009, he would have been entitled to receive an
estimated payment of $15,282,696. This amount includes a lump sum payment under the SERP and the
estimated value of retiree health benefits.
Change of control
Upon a sale of the Company, Mr. Wechsler is also entitled to receive a cash bonus (the Sale
Bonus) in an amount equal to the product of (a) 0.375% and (b) the amount by which the sale or
liquidation transaction imputes an equity value in excess of Cdn$150,000,000 to the Common Shares
originally issued by the Company (on a fully diluted basis but excluding the Common Shares issued
upon the conversion of the Class B convertible preferred shares of the Company formerly outstanding
which were converted into Common Shares on June 16, 1994 and the Common Shares issuable upon the
exercise of warrants owned by Messrs. Gelfond and Wechsler). As of December 31, 2009, the Sale
Bonus was estimated by the Company to be between $872,980 and $2,428,532, depending upon the equity
assumptions used in the relevant calculations.
In the event of a change of control of the Company, there would be an accelerated vesting of
Mr. Wechslers unvested options and SARs. In addition, there would be acceleration of payments
under the SERP and Mr. Wechsler would receive a cash incentive bonus (the Incentive Bonus) equal
to the product of (a) 225,000 and (b) the difference between the closing price of the Common Shares
upon such change of control and the closing price of the Common Shares on March 10, 2006. As of
December 31, 2009, the Incentive Bonus would have been $594,000.
Upon termination without cause after a change of control, all vested SARs remain exercisable
for a period of three years. In the event of a change of control of the Company by way of a
stock-for-stock merger and the subsequent termination of Mr. Wechsler as Chairman of the Board, Mr.
Wechslers options will vest and be converted at the stock merger conversion ratio into options of
the acquiring company (if it is public) or a cash-out of the options (if the acquiring company is
not public).
If there had been a change of control and Mr. Wechslers appointment as Chairman of the Board
had been terminated involuntarily or if he had elected voluntary retirement as of December 31,
2009, he would have been entitled to receive an estimated payment of $17,821,535. This amount
includes a lump sum payment under the SERP, the estimated value of retiree health benefits and the
Incentive Bonus. In addition, Mr. Wechsler would have been entitled to the Sale Bonus, in the
amount estimated above.
Mr. Sparacio
Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer
On May 14, 2009, Mr. Sparacio and the Company amended the terms of Mr. Sparacios employment
agreement, extending the term of his employment agreement through May 14, 2010. Under the terms of
the agreement, Mr. Sparacio receives an annual base salary of $350,000, which is subject to annual
review. The agreement further provides that Mr. Sparacio is entitled to participate in the
Management Bonus Plan and to receive a target annual performance bonus of 35%. In addition, Mr.
Sparacio has received certain options grants from the Company. Mr. Sparacios equity awards
outstanding as of December 31, 2009, and their respective exercise prices and expiration dates are
set forth above in Outstanding Equity Awards.
For the term of his employment agreement and for two years thereafter, Mr. Sparacio is subject
to customary non-solicitation and non-competition provisions. All severance payments payable under
Mr. Sparacios employment agreement are subject to Mr. Sparacios compliance with the
non-solicitation and non-competition provisions of his employment agreement.
Voluntary retirement or resignation
Upon retirement or resignation, Mr. Sparacio is entitled to receive accrued and unpaid salary,
perquisites and business expenses and any outstanding vacation pay within 15 days of such
retirement or resignation.
Termination with cause
Upon a termination for cause, Mr. Sparacio is entitled to receive accrued and unpaid salary,
perquisites and business expenses and any outstanding vacation pay within 15 days of such
termination. In addition, all of Mr. Sparacios unexercised options will be cancelled.
Termination without cause
In the event of a termination without cause other than upon a change of control, Mr. Sparacio
is entitled to receive accrued and unpaid salary, perquisites and business expenses and any
outstanding vacation pay within 30 days of such termination. In addition, Mr. Sparacio would
continue to receive base salary, automobile allowance and benefits for the greater of (i) the
remainder of his employment term and (ii) six months. Under the terms of his employment agreement,
Mr. Sparacio is required to mitigate the amount of any severance paid by the Company during the
severance period by seeking other employment. On the date Mr. Sparacio obtains other employment,
the remaining required salary payments would be reduced by half.
If Mr. Sparacios employment had been terminated without cause other than upon a change of
control as of December 31, 2009, he would have been entitled to receive estimated severance
payments totaling $194,245, either in the form of continuance or a lump sum payment, at the
Companys election.
Change of control
In the event of a termination without cause upon a change of control, Mr. Sparacio is entitled
to receive accrued and unpaid salary, perquisites and business expenses and any outstanding
vacation pay within 30 days of termination. In addition, Mr. Sparacio would continue to receive
base salary, a pro-rata portion of the target bonus, automobile allowance and benefits for the
greater of (i) the remainder of his employment term and (ii) 12 months following a change of
control, subject to mitigation by Mr. Sparacio as described above.
If there had been a change of control and Mr. Sparacios employment had been terminated
without cause as of December 31, 2009, he would have been entitled to receive estimated severance
payments totaling $511,289, either in the form of continuance or a lump sum payment, at the
Companys election. Mr. Sparacio would also realize $843,547, representing the intrinsic value of
his accelerated, in-the-money options calculated using the December 31, 2009 closing price of the
Common Shares.
Mr. Lister
Senior Executive Vice President & General Counsel
Under the terms of his employment agreement, for 2009, Mr. Lister received a base salary of
$442,497 and participated in the Management Bonus Plan. On December 31, 2009, Mr. Lister was
granted 180,000 options. These options vest in five installments: 18,000 on December 31, 2010;
27,000 on December 31, 2011; 36,000 on December 31, 2012; 45,000 on December 31, 2013 and 54,000 on
December 31, 2014 and expire on December 31, 2016. Mr. Lister has received several other grants of
options as well as SARs grants. Mr. Listers equity awards outstanding as of December 31, 2009, and
their respective exercise prices and expiration dates are set forth above in Outstanding Equity
Awards. In addition to the triggering events set forth in the SOP, the vesting of Mr. Listers
options accelerate in the event that Mr. Gelfond ceases to be CEO of the Company. Mr. Listers SARs
are governed by the terms of the SOP, except that with respect to the vesting of the SARs upon a
change of control, Mr. Listers employment agreement provides that the vesting of Mr. Listers SARs
accelerates upon a change of control of the Company (without regard to whether a termination event
has occurred). The Company has the right, but not the obligation, to cancel at any time all or,
from time to time, any portion of the SARs and to replace the cancelled SARs with options under
certain circumstances and subject to certain restrictions.
On December 31, 2009, Mr. Lister and the Company amended the terms of his employment
agreement. Under the terms of his agreement, as so amended, Mr. Lister is entitled to receive a
base salary of $464,622 effective January 1, 2010 and a base salary of $487,853 effective January
1, 2011. Mr. Listers base salary will be subject to review in connection with his performance
review in 2012. Mr. Lister is entitled to continue to participate in the Management Bonus Plan,
with a target annual performance bonus of 37.5%, 38.75% and 40% of his base salary for 2010, 2011
and 2012 respectively. The term of Mr. Listers agreement has been extended through January 1,
For the term of his employment agreement and for two years thereafter, Mr. Lister is subject
to customary non-solicitation and non-competition provisions. All severance payments payable under
Mr. Listers employment agreement are subject to Mr. Listers compliance with the non-solicitation
and non-competition provisions of his employment agreement.
Voluntary retirement or resignation
Upon retirement or resignation, Mr. Lister is entitled to receive accrued and unpaid salary,
perquisites and business expenses and any outstanding vacation pay within 15 days of such
retirement or resignation.
Termination with cause
Upon a termination for cause Mr. Lister is entitled to receive accrued and unpaid salary,
perquisites and business expenses and any outstanding vacation pay within 15 days of such
termination. In addition, all of Mr. Listers unexercised options and SARs will be cancelled.
Termination without cause
In the event of a termination without cause, or in the event that Mr. Listers employment
agreement is not renewed, Mr. Lister is entitled to receive accrued and unpaid salary, a pro-rated
portion of his target bonus, perquisites and business expenses and any outstanding vacation pay
within 30 days of such termination. In addition, Mr. Lister would continue to receive base salary,
target bonus and benefits for the greater of (i) the remainder of his employment term and (ii) 12
months. Under the terms of his employment agreement, Mr. Lister is required to mitigate the amount
of any severance paid by the Company in certain circumstances by seeking other employment. On the
date Mr. Lister obtains other employment, the severance payments would be reduced by one-quarter.
In the event that Mr. Gelfond ceases to be CEO of the Company, Mr. Lister is entitled to elect
to terminate his employment and, under the terms of his employment agreement, such election is
deemed a termination without cause so long as he remains with the Company for six months after Mr.
Gelfond ceases to be CEO of the Company.
If Mr. Listers employment had been terminated without cause as of December 31, 2009, he would
have been entitled to receive a payment of $154,874, which represents the pro-rated portion of his
minimum 2009 bonus in the form of a lump sum payment and estimated severance payments totaling
$2,115,799, in either the form of continuance or a lump sum payment, at the Companys election.
Change of Control
If, upon a change of control of the Company, Mr. Listers employment is terminated without
cause or Mr. Listers employment agreement is not renewed, he is entitled to receive accrued and
unpaid salary, perquisites and business expenses and any outstanding vacation pay within 30 days of
such termination or non-renewal. In addition, Mr. Lister would continue to receive base salary,
target bonus and benefits for the greater of (i) the remainder of his employment term and (ii) 18
months. Mr. Lister is also entitled to receive a retention bonus of $107,500 in the event that his
employment is terminated without cause within two years of the completion of a change of control.
In such event, Mr. Lister shall have no obligation to mitigate severance payments.
In the event of a change of control of the Company and in the event that Mr. Gelfond ceases to
be CEO of the Company, Mr. Lister is entitled to elect to terminate his employment and, under the
terms of his employment agreement, such election is deemed to be a termination in connection with a
change of control without cause so long as he remains with the Company for three months after Mr.
Gelfond ceases to be CEO of the Company. In such an event, Mr. Lister will have no obligation to
mitigate severance payments.
If there had been a change of control and Mr. Listers employment had been terminated without
cause as of December 31, 2009, he would have been entitled to receive an estimated payment of
$2,378,173. This amount includes the pro-rated portion of his minimum 2009 bonus in the form of a
lump sum payment, severance payments totaling $2,115,799, either in the form of continuance or a
lump sum payment, at the Companys election, and payment of the retention bonus of $107,500. Mr.
Lister would also realize $290,250 representing the intrinsic value of his accelerated,
in-the-money SARs calculated using the December 31, 2009 closing price of the Common Shares.
Mr. Foster
Chairman & President, Filmed Entertainment
Under the terms of his amended employment agreement, whose term extends through July 1, 2010,
Mr. Foster receives an annual base salary of $700,000, which is subject to annual review. Mr.
Foster is entitled to participate in the Management Bonus Plan and to receive a bonus of up to one
times his annual base salary. For 2009, Mr. Foster was entitled to a minimum bonus of $425,000. In
addition, Mr. Foster is entitled to a life insurance policy in the amount of $5 million during the
term of his employment. Mr. Foster has also received certain stock option grants and SARs from the
Company. On March 13, 2009, Mr. Foster was granted 18,398 options in consideration of $42,500 of
his bonus earned with respect to the fiscal year ended December 31, 2008. The options vested
immediately and expire on March 13, 2016. Mr. Fosters equity awards outstanding as of December 31,
2009, and their respective exercise prices and expiration dates are set forth above in Outstanding
Equity Awards. With respect to Mr. Fosters options, in addition to the triggering events set
forth in the SOP, the vesting of Mr. Fosters options accelerate in the event of change of control
that results in Mr. Gelfond ceasing to be CEO of the Company. Mr. Fosters SARs are governed by the
terms of the SOP, except that with respect to the vesting of the SARs upon a change of control, Mr.
Fosters employment agreement provides that the vesting of Mr. Fosters SARs accelerates upon a
change of control of the Company (without regard to whether a termination event has occurred). The
Company has the right, but not the obligation, to cancel at any time all or, from time to
time, any portion of the SARs and to replace the cancelled SARs with options under certain
circumstances and subject to certain restrictions.
For the term of his employment agreement and for two years thereafter, Mr. Foster is subject
to customary non-solicitation and non-competition provisions. All severance payments payable under
Mr. Fosters employment agreement are subject to Mr. Fosters compliance with the non-solicitation
and non-competition provisions of his employment agreement.
Voluntary retirement or resignation
Upon a retirement or resignation, Mr. Foster is entitled to receive accrued and unpaid salary,
perquisites and business expenses, any outstanding vacation pay and a pro-rata portion of his
minimum bonus (the Foster Termination Payment) within 15 days of such resignation or termination.
Termination with cause
If Mr. Fosters employment had been terminated with cause as of December 31, 2009, he would
have been entitled to receive a payment of $425,000, which represents the pro-rated portion of his
minimum bonus in the form of a lump sum payment, plus accrued and unpaid salary, perquisites and
business expenses and any outstanding vacation pay. In addition, all of Mr. Fosters unexercised
options and SARs would have been cancelled.
Termination without cause
In the event of a termination without cause upon a change of control or otherwise, Mr. Foster
is entitled to receive the Foster Termination Payment within 30 days of termination. In addition,
Mr. Foster would continue to receive base salary, minimum bonus and benefits for the greater of (i)
the remainder of his employment term and (ii) six months (the Foster Severance Payments). Under
the terms of his employment agreement, Mr. Foster is required to mitigate the Foster Severance
Payments by seeking other employment. On the date Mr. Foster obtains other employment, the
remaining Foster Severance Payments would be reduced by half.
If Mr. Fosters employment had been terminated without cause as of December 31, 2009, he would
have been entitled to receive an estimated payment of $1,011,120. This amount includes $425,000,
which is the pro-rated portion of his minimum 2009 bonus in the form of a lump sum payment and the
Foster Severance Payments totaling $586,120 either in the form of continuance or a lump sum
payment, at the Companys election.
Change of control
If there had been a change of control and Mr. Fosters employment had been terminated without
cause, Mr. Foster would have been entitled to receive the Foster Termination Payment within 30 days
of termination. In addition, Mr. Foster would continue to receive the Foster Severance Payments.
Under the terms of his employment agreement, Mr. Foster is required to mitigate the Foster
Severance Payments by seeking other employment. On the date Mr. Foster obtains other employment,
the remaining Foster Severance Payments would be reduced by half.
If there had been a change of control and Mr. Fosters employment had been terminated without
cause as of December 31, 2009, he would have been entitled to receive an estimated payment of
$1,011,120. This amount includes $425,000, which is the pro-rated portion of his minimum 2009 bonus
in the form of a lump sum payment and the Foster Severance Payments totaling $586,120 either in the
form of continuance or a lump sum payment, at the Companys election. Mr. Foster would also realize
$967,500, representing the intrinsic value of his accelerated, in-the-money SARs calculated using
the December 31, 2009 closing price of the Common Shares.
Mr. OReilly
Executive Vice President, Theatre Development
Under the terms of his employment arrangement, Mr. OReilly receives an annual base salary of
Cdn$263,877, which is subject to annual review. Mr. OReilly is entitled to participate in the
Management Bonus Plan and Commission Plans as discussed above in Compensation Discussion and
Analysis. In addition, Mr. OReilly has received certain options grants from the Company. Mr.
OReillys equity awards outstanding as of December 31, 2009, and their respective exercise prices
and expiration dates are set forth above in Outstanding Equity Awards.
Voluntary retirement or resignation
Upon a retirement or resignation, Mr. OReilly is entitled to receive compensation under
applicable Canadian law, including accrued and unpaid salary, commissions, perquisites and business
expenses and any outstanding vacation pay. Mr. OReilly would also be entitled to receive ongoing
commission payments, in accordance with the Commission Plans, which, as of December 31, 2009, are
estimated to be approximately $798,024 in the aggregate.
Termination with cause
If Mr. OReillys employment had been terminated with cause as of December 31, 2009, he would
have been entitled to compensation under applicable Canadian law, including accrued and unpaid
salary, commissions, perquisites and business expenses and any outstanding vacation pay. All of Mr.
OReillys unexercised options would have been cancelled.
Termination without cause
If Mr. OReillys employment had been terminated without cause as of December 31, 2009, with
or without a change of control, he would have been entitled to receive compensation under
applicable Canadian law including accrued and unpaid salary, commissions, perquisites and business
expenses and any outstanding vacation pay. Mr. OReilly would also be entitled to receive ongoing
commission payments, in accordance with the Commission Plans, which, as of December 31, 2009, are
estimated to be approximately $798,024 in the aggregate.
Change of control
Upon a change of control, Mr. OReilly would realize an estimated payment of $428,400,
representing the intrinsic value of his accelerated, in-the-money options using the December 31,
2009 closing price of the Common Shares. Mr. OReilly would also be entitled to receive ongoing
commission payments, in accordance with the Commission Plans, which are estimated to be
approximately $798,024 in the aggregate.
Directors are reimbursed for expenses incurred in attending meetings of the Board of
Directors and Committees of the Board of Directors. In addition, the Independent Directors of the
Company receive Cdn$20,000 per year (or may elect to receive options to purchase Common Shares in
lieu of this payment) plus Cdn$1,500 for each meeting of the Board attended in person or by
telephone and Cdn$1,200 for each meeting of a Committee of the Board attended in person or by
telephone. The Chairman of the Audit Committee receives Cdn$8,000 per year. In addition, each of
the Independent Directors are granted options annually to purchase 8,000 Common Shares, in
accordance with the SOP, at an exercise price equal to the Fair Market Value of the Common Shares
on the date of grant, and which vest on the date of grant and expire on the earlier of the date
which is two years after the termination of the optionees service as a director of the Company or
seven years after the date of the grant. This policy has been reviewed by the Corporate Governance
Committee at which time the Committee reviewed director compensation data for companies of a
comparable size. This data was compiled by the Companys management from public sources and was
reported to the Committee. Using such information, the Committee formulated a recommendation to the
Board of Directors and the final decision was made by the Board of Directors. The directors
compensation package was approved by the Board of Directors in August 2005.
The following table sets forth information relating to the compensation of the directors for
the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009. No SARs were granted to directors during the fiscal year
ended December 31, 2009.
Fees Earned or |
Option |
Paid in Cash |
Awards |
Total |
Name |
($) (1) |
($) (2) |
($) |
Neil S. Braun (3) |
29,171 |
31,360 |
60,531 |
Kenneth G. Copland (4) |
17,605 |
49,589 |
67,194 |
Garth M. Girvan (5) |
19,744 |
49,589 |
69,333 |
David W. Leebron (6) |
11,481 |
49,589 |
61,070 |
Marc A. Utay (7) |
15,445 |
49,589 |
65,034 |
(1) |
Includes Board and Committee meeting fees for telephonic and meetings attended in person
and annual fees paid to Independent Directors. Meeting and annual fees are generally earned in
Canadian dollars. The Canadian compensation values have been converted to and reported in U.S.
dollars using the Bank of Canada noon rate for the last day of the month preceding an actual
payment date. Whether, and to what extent, a director realizes value with respect to stock
option awards will depend on our actual operating performance, stock price fluctuations and
the directors continued term in office. |
(2) |
As required by SEC rules, the Option Awards columns in this table reflect the aggregate
grant date fair values computed in accordance with Financial Accounting Standards Board
Accounting Standards Codification Topic 718 (with no reductions for expected forfeitures). See
note 15(c) to the audited consolidated financial statements in Item 8 of the Companys Annual
Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009 for the assumptions used to
calculate the fair value of the options. |
(3) |
As of December 31, 2009, Mr. Braun held 32,000 options to purchase Common Shares in
accordance with the SOP. |
(4) |
As of December 31, 2009, Mr. Copland held 81,526 options to purchase Common Shares in
accordance with the SOP. |
(5) |
As of December 31, 2009, Mr. Girvan held 57,549 options to purchase Common Shares in
accordance with the SOP. |
(6) |
As of December 31, 2009, Mr. Leebron held 64,786 options to purchase Common Shares in
accordance with the SOP. |
(7) |
As of December 31, 2009, Mr. Utay held 61,845 options to purchase Common Shares in accordance
with the SOP. |
On December 11, 2008, the Company entered into a services agreement with Mr. Wechsler in
connection with his service as Chairman of the Companys Board of Directors as described above in
Employment Agreements and Potential Payments upon Termination or Change-in-Control.
The Compensation Committee is currently composed of Messrs. Girvan (Chairman), Braun,
Copland, Leebron and Utay, all of whom are Independent Directors. All compensation and renewal of
employment decisions for Messrs. Gelfond and Wechsler in 2009 were made by the Compensation
The law firm of McCarthy Tétrault LLP, of which Mr. Girvan, a director of the Company, is a
senior partner, provided legal services to the Company on several matters in 2009 and is continuing
to provide legal services in 2010. In 2009, the Company paid McCarthy Tétrault approximately $2.0
million in respect of legal services.
Clarion Capital Partners, LLC (Clarion), of which Mr. Utay, a director of the Company, is
the Managing Partner, has subleased office space from the Company since 2002. In 2009, Clarion paid
the Company $186,179 in connection with rent. Such rental amount, when calculated on a per square
foot basis, is equal to the rent payable by the Company for the space occupied by Clarion pursuant
to the Companys underlying lease. Clarion is invoiced on a monthly basis for office services. In
2009, Clarion paid the Company $88,441 in connection with the use of certain office services.
During the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009, no executive officer of the Company served on
compensation committees or boards of directors of any other entities that had or have had one or
more of its executive officers serving as a member of the Companys Compensation Committee or Board
of Directors.
The Board of Directors believes that good corporate governance is fundamental to the
overall success of the Company. The Corporate Governance Committee of the Board of Directors, which
is comprised of all the Independent Directors of the Board, periodically reviews the Companys
corporate governance from time to time, as further described below.
The Board of Directors is responsible for the stewardship of the Company, including:
overseeing the strategic planning process within the Company and reviewing,
approving and monitoring the annual operating plan for the Company, including fundamental
financial and business strategies and objectives; |
assessing the major risks facing the Company and reviewing approving and monitoring
the manner of managing those risks; |
developing and reviewing the CEOs corporate objectives, and through the
Compensation Committee, evaluating the CEO against these objectives and determining CEO
compensation; and |
reviewing and monitoring the controls and procedures within the Company to maintain
its integrity, including its disclosure controls and procedures, its internal controls
and procedures for financial reporting and its compliance with its Code of Ethics. |
Management develops an operating plan that is submitted to the Board of Directors on an annual
basis for its review and approval prior to implementation. The operating plan includes a
presentation of the Companys objectives, plans and performance standards for the year.
Director Independence
Under the NASDAQ requirements, a majority of the Companys directors must be independent. Rule
5605(a)(2) of the NASDAQ Marketplace Rules and Section 1.2 of National Instrument 58-101 provide
that an independent director is a person other than an officer or employee of the Company, or any
other individual having a relationship that in the opinion of the Board of Directors would
interfere with the exercise of independent judgment in carrying out the responsibilities of the
director, and set forth specific categories of relationships that disqualify a director from being
independent. The following five of seven current Board members are Independent Directors: Messrs.
Braun, Copland, Girvan, Leebron and Utay. Of the remaining directors, Mr. Gelfond is an executive
of the Company and Mr. Wechsler was an executive until March 31, 2009. All members of the
Compensation Committee, Audit Committee and Nominating Committee are considered independent under
such committees independence standards. In the event any transaction or agreement is proposed in
respect of which a director has a material interest, the director will recuse himself from voting
on that matter and remove himself from the meeting while the transaction at issue is being
considered by the Board of Directors.
Board Size and Composition
The Board of Directors recognizes that one of its key responsibilities is to evaluate and
determine its optimal leadership structure so as to provide independent oversight of management.
The Board of Directors has determined that there is no single, generally accepted approach to
providing leadership and that given the evolving nature of the Companys business, the right
leadership structure for the Board of Directors may vary as circumstances warrant. Consistent with
this understanding, the Independent Directors consider the Boards size and composition on an
annual basis in connection with its annual self-evaluation. This consideration includes the
positives and negatives of alternative board leadership structures in light of the Companys
operating and governance environment at the time, with the goal of achieving the optimal size and
composition for effective oversight of management by the Board of Directors.
Bradley J. Wechsler served as Co-Chairman of the Board of Directors along with Richard L.
Gelfond since June 1999. On March 31, 2009, Mr. Wechsler resigned as Co-CEO of the Company and on
April 1, 2009 became sole Chairman of the Board. By virtue of his tenure as Co-CEO of the Company
through March 2009, Mr. Wechsler is not an Independent Director. At present, the Company does not
have a lead director. Given Mr. Wechslers prior role in the Company, the Board of Directors has
determined that this leadership structure is optimal for the Company because it provides the
Company with strong and consistent leadership.
In considering its leadership structure, the Board of Directors has taken a number of factors
into consideration. The Board of Directors, with a substantial majority of its directors being
Independent Directors, exercises strong, independent oversight function. This oversight function is
enhanced by the fact that all of the committees and their respective chairpersons are comprised
entirely of Independent Directors. A number of processes and procedures of the Board of Directors
and of the Committeesincluding regular executive sessions of the Independent Directors, the
ability of Independent Directors to contact one another, the CEO and other Named Executive Officers
at any time, and the annual evaluations of the performance of the CEO against pre-determined and
other criteriaprovide independent oversight of the CEOs performance. The Company has also
provided instructions for shareholders and other interested parties to communicate directly with
the Board of Directors, see Shareholder Communications above. The Board of Directors believes
that these factors provide the appropriate balance between the authority of those who oversee the
Company and those who manage it on a day-to-day basis.
Risk Management
The Board of Directors is responsible for overseeing the various risks facing the Company. In
this regard, the Board seeks to understand and oversee critical business risks. Risks are
considered in virtually every business decision and as part of the Companys overall business
While the Board oversees risk management, Company management is charged with managing risk.
The Company has robust internal processes and a strong internal control environment to identify and
manage risks and to communicate with the Board through senior management. These include an
enterprise risk management program, regular internal management disclosure committee meetings, a
Code of Ethics, rigorous product quality standards and processes, and a comprehensive internal and
external audit process. The Board and the Audit Committee monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of
the internal controls and the risk management program at least annually. Management communicates
routinely with the Board and the Audit Committee on the significant risks identified and how they
are being managed. The Board implements its risk oversight function both as a whole and through the
Audit Committee. The Audit Committee oversees risks related to the Companys financial statements,
the financial reporting process, accounting and legal matters. The Audit Committee oversees the
internal audit function and the Companys Code of Ethics and Whistleblower Program. The Audit
Committee members meet separately with the Companys CEO and representatives of the independent
auditing firm.
The Board of Directors regularly engages in discussion of financial, legal, technology,
economic and other risks. Because overseeing risk is an ongoing process and inherent in the
Companys strategic decisions, the Board also discusses risk in relation to specific proposed
actions. Because overseeing risk is an ongoing process that is inherent in the Companys strategic
decisions, the Board also discusses risk throughout the year at other meetings in relation to
specific proposed actions.
Nomination Process
The Nominating Committee is responsible for identifying and recommending candidates for
election to the Board of Directors. Such candidates are then nominated for election by a majority
of Independent Directors. The Nominating Committee does not set forth specific, minimum
qualifications that nominees must possess in order for the Nominating Committee to recommend them
to the Board of Directors, but rather believes that each nominee should be evaluated in light of
opportunities and risks facing the Company and the competencies, skills and personal qualities that
are desirable to contribute to the effective governance of the Company. In evaluating potential
nominees for election and re-election as members of the Board of Directors, the Committee seeks
nominees that:
manifest the highest integrity and that possess the highest personal and
professional ethics; |
have significant business experience or other organizational leadership experience
that will allow the nominee to contribute significantly to the Company as a member of the
Board of Directors; |
have the willingness and an ability to make the necessary time commitment to
actively participate as a member of the Board of Directors; |
exhibit sound business judgment; and |
are committed to representing the long-term interests of the Company and its
shareholders. |
Candidates are identified from a number of sources including recommendations from Board
members, management, shareholders and others. The Nominating Committee will consider any nominee
recommended by a shareholder under the same criteria as any other potential nominee. Shareholders
who wish to have the Nominating Committee consider the nomination of any person for director at the
2011 meeting of shareholders should submit a written recommendation to the Company at IMAX
Corporation, 2525 Speakman Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, L5K 1B1, Attention: Corporate
Secretary no later than December 30, 2010. The Company may require that a proposed nominee furnish
additional information as may be reasonably required to determine the qualifications of such
proposed nominee to serve as a director of the Company.
The Nominating Committee charter mandates that the Nominating Committee review, on a periodic
basis, the current composition of the Board of Directors in light of the characteristics of
independence, diversity, age, competencies, skills, experience, availability of service to the
Company and tenure of the Board members, and in light of the Boards anticipated needs. While the
Nominating Committee does not have a formal policy specifying how diversity of background and
personal experience should be applied in reviewing the current composition of the Board of
Directors or in identifying or evaluating candidates for the Board of Directors, the Nominating
Committee is committed to having a diverse Board of Directors in that it seeks individuals from
different backgrounds
with varying perspectives, professional experience, education and skills. In evaluating a
potential candidate, the Nominating Committee will consider that individuals background,
experience and characteristics in the context of the composition of the board as a whole. The
Company believes that having a diverse Board of Directors helps to ensure a variety of points of
view, which, in turn, ensures more effective decision-making.
A current copy of the Nominating Committee Charter is available at or upon
written request to the Company at IMAX Corporation, 2525 Speakman Drive, Mississauga, Ontario,
Canada, L5K 1B1, Attention: Corporate Secretary.
Board of Directors Mandate
The Board of Directors operates under a written mandate adopted by the Companys Board of
Directors. A current copy of the Board of Directors Charter is available at and at or upon written request to the Company at IMAX Corporation, 2525 Speakman Drive,
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, L5K 1B1, Attention: Corporate Secretary.
Meetings of the Board of Directors and its Committees
During the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009, the Board of Directors held 8 meetings. The
Audit Committee held 4 meetings; the Compensation Committee held 1 meeting. No meetings were held
by the Corporate Governance Committee as all matters of corporate governance were discussed either
by the full Board of Directors or by the Independent Directors in executive sessions. No meetings
of the Nominating Committee were held as all matters concerning the identification and evaluation
of potential new Board members was discussed either by the full Board of Directors or by the
Independent Directors in executive sessions. The Option Committee held no meeting as all necessary
business of this Committee was conducted by written resolution. Each incumbent director attended at
least 75% of the aggregate of the total number of meetings of the Board of Directors and committees
of the Board on which such director served during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009. The
Independent Directors are given the opportunity to hold executive sessions (where non-Independent
Directors and members of management are not in attendance) at all regularly scheduled Board
meetings. A total of 5 such executive sessions of the Board of Directors were held during 2009.
The following directors attended the following number of board meetings during the fiscal year
ended December 31, 2009:
Bradley J. Wechsler
Richard L. Gelfond
David W. Leebron
8/8 |
Neil S. Braun
Garth M. Girvan
Marc A. Utay
8/8 |
Kenneth G. Copland
8/8 |
All of the members of the Audit Committee are Independent Directors and hold in camera
sessions where non-Independent Directors and members of management are not in attendance at least
once each fiscal quarter. A total of 4 such in camera sessions were held during 2009.
While the Company encourages directors to attend its shareholders meetings, it has no formal
policy concerning such attendance. Six of seven directors attended the 2010 annual meeting of
Committees of the Board
To assist it in discharging its duties effectively, the Board of Directors has delegated some
of its duties to 5 specific committees of the Board: Audit Committee, Compensation Committee,
Corporate Governance Committee, Nominating Committee and the Option Committee. Each of these
committees and their respective chairs are appointed annually by the Board of Directors. Each
committee has a written mandate which sets out its principal duties and responsibilities. Each
committee has the authority to retain special legal, accounting or other advisors.
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee is currently composed of Messrs. Copland (Chairman), Braun and Leebron,
all of whom are Independent Directors and who meet the independence and other requirements of the
NASDAQ Marketplace Rules and Canadian National Instrument 52-110 standards applicable to Audit
Committee members. The Board of Directors has established the Audit Committee for the purpose of
overseeing the accounting and financial reporting processes of the Company and auditing of the
financial statements of the Company. Each committee member has experience with various businesses
and professions, which are relevant to their understanding of the accounting principles used by the
Company in preparing its financial statements and to their understanding of the general
applications of such accounting principles in connection with the accounting for estimates,
accruals and reserves. These experiences have been with companies, businesses and professional
organizations presenting a breadth and level of complexity of accounting issues generally
comparable to those reasonably expected to be raised by the Companys financial statements and have
provided them with an understanding of internal controls and procedures for financial reporting.
The Board of Directors has determined that Mr. Copland qualifies as an audit committee financial
expert as that term is defined in Item 407(d)(5)(ii) of Regulation S-K. The Audit Committee
operates under a written mandate adopted by the Companys Board of Directors. A current copy of the
Audit Committee Charter is available at or upon written request to the Company at IMAX
Corporation, 2525 Speakman Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, L5K 1B1, Attention: Corporate
Secretary. The information in the preceding two sentence shall not be deemed to be soliciting
material or to be filed with the SEC, nor shall such information be incorporated by reference
into any future filing under the 1933 Act, or the Exchange Act, as amended, except to the extent
that the Company specifically incorporates it by reference in such filing.
The Audit Committee meets with the external auditors of the Company, both with and without
management present, to review and discuss the Companys accounting policies, its quarterly and
year-end financial statement information and their presentation, and significant financial issues
which may arise for the Company.
Compensation Committee
The Compensation Committee is currently composed of Messrs. Girvan (Chairman), Braun, Copland,
Leebron and Utay, who are all of whom are Independent Directors. The Compensation Committee is
responsible for setting objectives for the CEO, assessing his performance on a periodic basis and
recommending compensation arrangements to the Board of Directors. The Compensation Committee
operates under a written mandate adopted by the Companys Board of Directors. A current copy of the
Compensation Committee Charter is available at or upon written request to the Company
at IMAX Corporation, 2525 Speakman Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, L5K 1B1, Attention:
Corporate Secretary. The Compensation Committee made recommendations to the Board of Directors with
respect to the bonus paid to Mr. Gelfond in respect of 2009.
Corporate Governance Committee
The Corporate Governance Committee is currently composed of Messrs. Leebron (Chairman),
Copland, Braun, Girvan and Utay, all of whom are Independent Directors, however during the fiscal
year ended December 31, 2009, the duties of the Corporate Governance Committee were performed by
the full Board of Directors. The Corporate Governance Committee is responsible for monitoring and
evaluating the Companys corporate governance practices, with particular attention to the Companys
disclosure and trading policies; Canadian federal and Ontario corporate law, the rules and listing
standards of NASDAQ and the TSX, SEC, OSC and Internal Revenue Code regulations, as well as best
practices suggested by recognized governance authorities and recommending modifications to the
Companys governance practices; monitoring and evaluating compliance with the Companys articles,
by-laws and governance agreements; and monitoring the effectiveness of the Board of Directors in
the discharge of its general oversight responsibilities. The Corporate Governance Committee
operates under a written mandate adopted by the Companys Board of Directors. A current copy of the
Corporate Governance Committee Charter is available at or upon written request to the
Company at IMAX Corporation, 2525 Speakman Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, L5K 1B1, Attention:
Corporate Secretary.
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee is currently composed of Messrs. Leebron (Chairman), Braun and
Copland, all of whom are Independent Directors. The Nominating Committee is responsible for
identifying and recommending candidates for election to the Board of Directors. The Nominating
Committee evaluates potential new candidates for the Board of Directors on an ongoing basis in
light of the opportunities and risks facing the Company and the competencies, skills and personal
qualities that are desirable to add value to the Company and to contribute to effective governance
of the Company. The Nominating Committee operates under a written mandate adopted by the Companys
Board of Directors. A current copy of the Nominating Committee Charter is available at
or upon written request to the Company at IMAX Corporation, 2525 Speakman Drive, Mississauga,
Ontario, Canada, L5K 1B1, Attention: Corporate Secretary.
Option Committee
The Option Committee is currently composed of Messrs. Utay (Chairman) and Girvan, both of whom
are Independent Directors. The Option Committee is responsible for performing the functions
required of it under the SOP, including the grant of options to Participants under the SOP from
time to time, which grants are subject to guidelines determined by the Companys human resources
department and the Compensation Committee. The Option Committee enacts written resolutions from
time to time authorizing the grant of options.
Orientation and Education
The Company has developed and implemented orientation materials and procedures for new
directors. In this regard, a Board of Directors Manual is provided to all new Board members. New
directors also have access to fellow directors and senior management and are invited to attend
orientation sessions as necessary. Reports, materials and presentations relating to the Companys
business are provided to the Board of Directors on a periodic basis.
Board Self-Assessment
Annually, each director and committee member completes a self-evaluation questionnaire. The
input is summarized on a confidential basis and provided to the Chairman of the Board and Chairman
of the Corporate Governance Committee. Any agreed upon improvements are implemented as applicable.
Written Position Descriptions
The Board of Directors has not developed written position descriptions for the Chairman of the
Board or of the Chairman of each Committee; however, the Board of Directors is responsible for the
appointment of each Chairman of a Board Committee. The Board of Directors and Committees of the
Board each operate within written mandates established and periodically reviewed by the Board of
Directors. The Chair of each committee is responsible for reporting on the activities of that
committee to the full Board of Directors on a periodic basis.
The Board of Directors has not developed written position descriptions for the CEO. The Board
of Directors and the CEO develop, on an annual basis, detailed written corporate objectives and
parameters in which the CEO operates the business of the Company. The Board of Directors is also
responsible for annually evaluating the CEO against these objectives.
The Company has a Code of Ethics applicable to all employees, including the Companys
Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer and Controller and all other persons performing
similar functions, and all directors and consultants. A copy of the Code of Ethics is available,
without charge, at or upon written request to the Company at IMAX Corporation, 2525
Speakman Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, L5K 1B1, Attention: Corporate Secretary. Any
amendments to, or waivers of, the Code of Ethics which specifically relate to any financial
professional will be disclosed promptly following the date of such amendment or waiver at
No director or executive officer of the Company, or any security holder of record as of
the date of this Circular who owned, of record or to the Companys knowledge, more than 5% of the
Companys outstanding Common Shares, or any member of such persons immediate family, had any
material interest, direct or indirect, in any transaction during the last fiscal year, or since the
commencement of the current fiscal year, in any completed or proposed transaction, except for the
The law firm of McCarthy Tétrault LLP, of which Mr. Girvan, a director of the Company, is a
senior partner, provided legal services to the Company on several matters in 2009 and is continuing
to provide legal services in 2010. In 2009, the Company paid McCarthy Tétrault approximately $2.0
million in respect of legal services.
Clarion Capital Partners, LLC (Clarion), of which Mr. Utay, a director of the Company, is
the Managing Partner, has subleased office space from the Company since 2002. In 2009, Clarion paid
the Company $186,179 in connection with rent. Such rental amount, when calculated on a per square
foot basis, is equal to the rent payable by the Company for the space occupied by Clarion pursuant
to the Companys underlying lease. Clarion is invoiced on a monthly basis for office services. In
2009, Clarion paid the Company $88,441 in connection with the use of certain office services.
Patricia Keighley is the spouse of David Keighley, who is an executive officer of the Company.
Ms. Keighley has been employed as the Vice President and General Manager of David Keighley
Productions 70MM Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, since February 1988. Ms. Keighley
received compensation of approximately $159,794 in respect of 2009.
On December 11, 2008, the Company entered into a services agreement with Mr. Wechsler, which
provides that, effective April 1, 2009, Mr. Wechslers employment as Co-CEO was terminated. The
services agreement further provides that: (i) Mr. Wechsler shall serve as Chairman of the Companys
Board of Directors effective April 1, 2009 through the termination of his services agreement; (ii)
Mr. Wechsler shall receive a fee of $200,000 for each year served as Chairman subject to certain
conditions; and (iii) certain other provisions of Mr. Wechslers employment agreement, including
those relating to options and other equity awards, shall continue to survive the termination of
such employment agreement. The services agreement will remain in effect through the earlier of (a)
the date on which Mr. Wechsler is not re-elected to the Board of Directors, and (b) April 1, 2011.
The aggregate amount of all periodic payments under this agreement will be $400,000, plus amounts
for reasonable out-of-pocket expenses related to the Chairmans travel and automobile expenses.
On May 5, 2008, the Company entered into a Securities Purchase Agreement (the Douglas
Agreement) with K&M Douglas Trust, Douglas Family Trust, James Douglas and Jean Douglas
Irrevocable Descendants Trust and James E. Douglas III (collectively, the Douglas Group),
pursuant to which the Company agreed to sell and the Douglas Group agreed to purchase 2,726,447
Common Shares (the Douglas Shares) for aggregate consideration of $18 million or approximately
$6.60 per share (the equivalent of the average of the closing price of the Companys Common Shares
over the five trading days immediately preceding the date of the Douglas Agreement). The private
placement closed on May 8, 2008. The Douglas Group, which currently owns 13.6% of the outstanding
Common Shares, agreed to a five-year standstill with the Company whereby it will refrain from
certain activities, including: (i) increasing its percentage ownership in the Company; (ii) seeking
to influence the management of the Company or soliciting proxies; (iii) entering into fundamental
or change-of-control transactions with respect to the Company; and (iv) selling or transferring any
Common Shares to a person or group that would own 5% or more of the Common Shares following such
sale or transfer. The Company has agreed to file a registration statement registering the resale of
the Douglas Shares within 10 days of a written demand by the Douglas Group, to use commercially
reasonable efforts to cause the registration statement to become effective within 90 days after
filing and to maintain the effectiveness of the registration statement, subject to permitted
suspensions, until the Douglas Group has sold, or may sell without restriction, the Douglas Shares.
The Company, Wasserstein Perella Partners, L.P., Wasserstein Perella Offshore Partners, L.P.,
WPPN, Inc., and the Michael J. Biondi Voting Trust (collectively WP), and Messrs. Gelfond and
Wechsler entered into a registration rights agreement (the Registration Rights Agreement) dated
as of February 9, 1999, which carried forward the corresponding provisions of the June 16, 1994
shareholders agreement. Though numerous provisions of the Registration Rights Agreement were
terminated in 2002 when WP ceased to be a shareholder of the Company, each of Messrs. Gelfond and
Wechsler retain the right to cause the Company to use its best efforts to register their securities
under the 1933 Act. Messrs. Gelfond and Wechsler are entitled to make two such demand
registrations. Messrs. Gelfond and Wechsler also have unlimited piggyback rights to register
their securities under the Registration Rights Agreement whenever the Company proposes to register
any securities under the 1933 Act, other than the registration of securities pursuant to an initial
public offering or the registration of securities on Form S-4 or S-8 under the 1933 Act or filed in
connection with an exchange offer or an offering of securities solely to the Companys existing
Messrs. Gelfond and Wechsler and certain other shareholders of the Company entered into
another shareholders agreement on January 3, 1994 as amended on March 1, 1994 which includes,
among other things, registration rights, tag along rights and drag along rights.
On a regular basis, the Company requires that its directors, nominees for director and
executive officers identify to the Board of Directors, transactions and/or relationships which
could constitute transactions with a related person as defined in Item 404(a) of Regulation S-K.
For any potential transaction in which a director, executive officer or other related person would
have a material interest, such transaction is reviewed, in advance, by the Companys General
Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer to ensure compliance with the Companys Code of Ethics and to
evaluate the disclosure requirements under Item 404(a) of Regulation S-K. In addition, in the event
any transaction or agreement occurs in respect of which a director has a material interest, the
director must recuse himself from voting on that matter and remove himself from the meeting while
the transaction at issue is being considered by the Board of Directors. The minutes of the Board of
Directors meeting would reflect the nature of the interest disclosed and the fact of the recusal.
The Company makes available free of charge its annual reports on Form 10-K, quarterly
reports on Form 10-Q and current reports on Form 8-K as soon as reasonably practicable after the
such filing has been made with the SEC. Reports are available at or by calling
investor relations at 212-821-0100. Additional information relating to the Company is available at Financial information is provided in the Companys comparative financial statements
and MD&A for its most recently completed financial year.
The contents and the sending of this Proxy Circular and Proxy Statement to each
shareholder entitled to receive notice of the Special Meeting, to each director and to the auditors
of the Company have been approved by the Board of Directors.
DATED at Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, August 25, 2010.
/s/ G. Mary Ruby
Executive Vice President, Corporate Services
& Corporate Secretary |
Holder Account Number
Form of Proxy - Special Meeting of IMAX Corporation to be held on September 28, 2010
This Form of Proxy is solicited by and on behalf of Management.
Notes to proxy
1. |
Every holder has the right to appoint some other person or company of their choice, who need not be a holder, to attend and act on their behalf at the meeting or any
adjournment or postponement thereof. If you wish to appoint a person or company other than the persons whose names are printed herein, please insert the name of
your chosen proxyholder in the space provided (see reverse). |
2. |
If the securities are registered in the name of more than one owner (for example, joint ownership, trustees, executors, etc.), then all those registered should sign this proxy. If you are
voting on behalf of a corporation or another individual you must sign this proxy with signing capacity stated, and you may be required to provide documentation evidencing your
power to sign this proxy. |
3. |
This proxy should be signed in the exact manner as the name(s) appear(s) on the proxy. |
4. |
If this proxy is not dated, it will be deemed to bear the date on which it is mailed by Management to the holder. |
5. |
The securities represented by this proxy will be voted as directed by the holder, however, if such a direction is not made in respect of any matter, this proxy will be
voted as recommended by Management.
6. |
The securities represented by this proxy will be voted in favour or withheld from voting for each of the matters described herein, as applicable, in accordance with the instructions of
the holder, on any ballot that may be called for and, if the holder has specified a choice with respect to any matter to be acted on, the securities will be voted accordingly. |
7. |
This proxy confers discretionary authority in respect of amendments or variations to matters identified in the Notice of Meeting or other matters that may properly come before the
meeting or any adjournment or postponement thereof. |
8. |
This proxy should be read in conjunction with the accompanying documentation provided by Management. |
Proxies submitted must be received by 11:00 am, Eastern Time, on September 24, 2010.
Call the number listed BELOW from a touch tone
telephone. 1-866-732-VOTE (8683) Toll Free
Go to the following web site:
You can enroll to receive future securityholder communications electronically by visiting and clicking
on eDelivery Signup.
If you vote by telephone or the Internet, DO NOT mail back this proxy.
by mail may be the only method for securities held in the name of a corporation or securities being voted on behalf of another individual.
Voting by mail or by Internet are the only methods by which a holder may appoint a person as proxyholder other than the Management nominees named on the reverse of this proxy.
Instead of mailing this proxy, you may choose one of the two voting methods outlined above to vote this proxy.
To vote by telephone or the Internet, you will need to provide your CONTROL NUMBER listed below.
Appointment of Proxyholder |
The undersigned common shareholder of IMAX Corporation
(the Company) hereby appoints Bradley J. Wechsler, failing
whom, Robert D. Lister, failing whom, G. Mary Ruby
Print the name of the person you are
appointing if this person is someone
other than the Management Nominees
listed herein.
as my/our proxyholder with full power of substitution and to attend, act and to vote for and on behalf of the shareholder in accordance with the following direction (or if no
directions have been given, as the proxyholder sees fit) and all other matters that may properly come before the Special Meeting of IMAX Corporation to be held at Cleary
Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP, 450 Park Ave., 28th Floor, Room 3, New York, New York, USA, 10022 on September 28, 2010 at 11:00 a.m. and at any adjournment thereof.
1. Election of Directors
Eric A. Demirian |
o |
o |
02. I. Martin Pompadur |
o |
o |
Authorized Signature(s) This section must be completed for your
instructions to be executed.
Date |
I/We authorize you to act in accordance with my/our instructions set out above. I/We
hereby revoke any proxy previously given with respect to the Meeting.
If no voting instructions are indicated above, this Proxy will be voted as
recommended by Management. |
0 3 1 8 1 2
A R 0
+ |